Alrighty. So, I've been running a little low on TU lately, and i want that to stop. Sadly, I don't have any pets or anything worth anything to sell. So, I've decided to sell two services,
egg finding and hatching.
I spend a lot of my free time roaming around Res, and thus find a lot of eggs, most of which I don't pick up. However, I can guarantee three fresh eggs of any species. Please allow two days for the original order, plus an extra day for every three eggs (three eggs takes two days, six eggs takes three days, nine eggs takes four days, etc.). The pricing on the eggs varies by species, but they must be bought in groups of three. Prices (for a group of three) are as follows:
Berrok: 1,000 TU
Chimby: 3,000 TU
Gondra: 1,000 TU
Leverene: 35,000 TU
Malal: 30,000 TU
Paor: 35,000 TU
Vogar: 25,000 TU
Zenirix: 1,500 TU
Drindian: 750 TU
Intes: 35,000 TU
Kayoki: 6,000 TU
Meragon: 12,000 TU
Mirablis: 30,000 TU
Valabex: 5,000 TU
Zaphao: 15,000 TU
TBA - Prices available upon request
TBA - Prices available upon request
Egg Hatching
I don't have that much interest in hatching new creatu at the moment, so I have three hatches a day free. Instead of offering every day in the c-box, I decided to offer discounts if people order hatches in advance of the day. Prices for hatches are as follows (schedule of reserved hatches TBA).
One day (three hatches): 285,000 TU (95,000/egg)
One week (twenty one hatches): 1,890,000 TU (90,000/egg)
One fornight (forty two hatches): 3,570,000 TU (85,000/egg)
One month (eight four hatches): 6,300,000 TU (75,000/egg) *BEST VALUE!!*
Note: All eggs must be sent by 9:00 P.M. EST in order to guarantee their hatching. Egg hatching services do not include egg finding fees.
Riddle of the Week
Want a discount on your order? RMail the answer to this week's riddle of the week and get a 5% discount on your entire purchase!
A word I know, six letters it contains, remove one, and twelve remains. What am I?
My goal by the end of this egg hatching expedition is to be able to afford a calico Leverene (6 mil TU). I predict the service will stay open long after I accomplish that. If you have any questions, wish to haggle on the price of egg finding (egg hatching prices are non-negotiable, sorry), or offer a payment in pets, feel free to RMail me, or leave me a note here.
Want a steal on hatches? Do you want tons of eggs, but don't seem to have time to find them all? Come over to Mac's Egg Service, where you can have it all! [URL=]