Welcome to my auction! Here I will auction many things that I've aquired through various means [not cheating of course]! I also will be throwing in the occasional creatu into the sales ^-^.
main rule: you cannot withdraw your bid.
ANY TU AMOUNT THAT FOLLOWS 'Starting:' means that that must be the first amount you bid! not the Min Bid!
you must be able to pay, in full, at the end of the auctions, if you are unable to do as such, the item will be sent to the next runner up.
~The Toy Rack~

Ahea Egg Squishy Drindian Egg Squishy (x2) Easero Egg Squishy (x3)
Starting: 100k Starting: 75k Starting: 50k
Min Bid: 10k Min Bid: 5k Min Bid: 5k
AutoBuy: 4.75 million AutoBuy: 1.25 million AutoBuy: 800k

Haberisar Egg Squishy Intes Egg Squishy Omni Egg Squishy
Starting: 50k Starting: 50k Starting: 300k
Min Bid: 5k Min Bid: 5k Min Bid: 10k
AutoBuy: 750k AutoBuy: 750k AutoBuy: 3.5 million

Leverene Egg Squishy Tesuri Egg Squishy Uldavian Ivik Squishy
Starting: 100k Starting: 100k Min Bid: 15k
Min Bid: 10k Min Bid: 10k AutoBuy: 10 million
AutoBuy: 2.5 million AutoBuy: 3.2 million HB: 100k ~ DesertFever

Freaky Bunny Squishy
Min Bid: 10k
AutoBuy: 10.5million
HB: 320k - krishtyn1
~The Clothing Rack~

Rancher Gloves Reiflem Shirt Reiflem Shoes (x2)
Min Bid: 5k Min Bid: 5k Min Bid: 10k
AutoBuy: 600k AutoBuy: 750k AutoBuy: 1 million
HB:100k - krishtyn1 HB: 50k - krishtyn1 HB: 100k - krishtyn1

Neon Mohawk
Min Bid: 5k
AutoBuy: 900k
HB: 20k - krishtyn1
~The Pet Store~

black ardur | Milliseconds natural zaphao | Instabillity
Min Bid: 2k Min Bid: 2k
AutoBuy: 10 Million AutoBuy: 10 million
HB: amctmc1 ~ 25k HB: Cherrysummer8 ~ 25k