Mission Pay-Back... - Come take a look!

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7:34am Apr 5 2013 (last edited on 7:42am Apr 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 5
I don't have a clue where this would actually go? I am buying and selling.. soo.. please move if necessary?

Hey guys! So at the start of the month I decided that a certain someone was needing a little bit of pay-back. And that certain someone is the dear Fireelf. [I really hope she doesn't see this o,o;
A few weeks ago Fire discovered that my dream pets was an achromatic wyrae. Within 5 minutes she had gifted me one. 

I can't let her get away with that XD

So I decided to do a bit of spy-work myself. And I found that Fires dream pet is a Calico Galta. I am quite a new player so I don't have the TU and resources directly to hand.. not all of them anyway.. So I did a bit of math and came up with this - 

Natural Galta -
Thanks to a help of a lovely user I can get one for 48mil

Calico Bean - 

A nice water-like name - 
Yeah.. Fire wanted to get a water like name for it .. XD I was hoping to get something like Poseidon or Oceania but... That might not happen XD 
Paying up to 100mil..

So overall this should cost me 268mil.. :|

If you would like to help - please could you help me either locate the two names above OR a cheaper Calico bean x3

How I am raising the money and total current balance
40,000,000 / 268,000,000

Right now I am really depending on the stocks to raise up my balance XD In two days I have accumulated a total of 40mil from stocks...
But I am also selling services and items/pets ^o^ Please see post 2 for more information on this...

7:34am Apr 5 2013 (last edited on 6:48am Apr 7 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 5
Things to help me raise money - 

Easter Egg hunting

So, as it is Easter  I thought - "Hey why not sell a service to hunt Plastic Easter Eggs for people?!" 
So that's what I am doing! Hunting Easter eggs for you! 

For random colors - 75k per egg!
For specific colors - 100k per egg as this takes much much longer ;) 

I will not hunt for gold eggs.

I may also hunt for painted kurrabi and easero eggs - but rmail me for this as it is much much harder!

[strike]I am selling all my hatches for 150k each every day! Rmail me to reserve a day! Waiting list in post 3 :3[/strike]
In order to get more TU I have turned to merchant. This means I have 1 hatch a day.. They are still for sale though ^o^

Please check out my rancher store for pets for sale! 

Other - 

If you need ANYTHING from the current Easter prize shop - Rmail me and we will work out a price!


7:34am Apr 5 2013 (last edited on 7:41am Apr 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 5
Waiting lists - 

Easter Eggs - 





6:35am Apr 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 5

6:44am Apr 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 737

Can I buy 3hatches for my kurrabi eggs?

And can you do 100k on the hatches bcuz im also trying to save up to get a bino kurrabi for kir.


6:58am Apr 7 2013 (last edited on 7:29am Apr 7 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,673

I have these names :D hope you are interested in a couple or 1 :D:







Those are my names :D

And the name Symbolizing. (Sorry I forgot about that one :|)


Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them

7:01am Apr 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 5
ohh I really like Raining! I will Rmail you now ^o^
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