Most pets for sale

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10:56pm Nov 9 2018 (last edited on 12:40pm Nov 12 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 678
Howdy. Long story short, I'm putting most of my pets in my tle="" target="">Rancher. There's some decent names, some decent colors.

Highlights include names like Bread, Butter, Fever, and Mississippi.

Short story long, I'm going on a hiatus / break I guess, so I'd like to clean my account a little bit before I do that. I'm not leaving forever though, which is why I'm not selling everything. I'm just not really feeling it anymore, and I should probably start worrying more about school instead of being on my computer, so I'm cutting out some pet site time that I'd spend before I start school.

Rmail or post here to haggle.

*If there is something in my showroom you really want, ask. I'm still in the process of clearing out what I really don't want. Chances are, though, unless you are truly making an offer I can't refuse, I won't sell Guy, Lloyd, or Neville. The rest I'd probably let go for a decent price.*

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

12:41pm Nov 12 2018

Normal User

Posts: 678
Added most of what is going in there... might be more in short future, but I still have to decide.

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen
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