Name Clearing

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5:32pm Jan 1 2020 (last edited on 12:10am Jan 3 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
It's happening again!

For those who do not know yet...
There is a name clearing happening!!!
A bunch of names from old inactive and banned accounts are being cleared!
You can check out the account tle="" target="_blank">NameClearings to find some names that you're interested in!
For more info take a look at the updates!

Now to the point of this forum
Here you can post the names you've already snagged!
You can also state whether or not you're selling them!

You do NOT have to post the names you snagged or all the ones you did if you don't want too!
Please do not harass users for a name if they did not state they were selling!!



5:33pm Jan 1 2020 (last edited on 9:09pm Jan 10 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Easily Find The Name You Want By Hitting Ctrl F
For Sale
Those names for sale will be stated here with the user who is selling them
Brood, Fancy, Meaty, Cutie, Sanction, Sticky, Pupil, Parental, Necrology, Minority, Sangre, Prone, Dysentery, Sticky, Plot, Pajama, Clout, Poem,  Louanne, Transient, Hyperthermia, Saintly, Nellie, Blinded, Handmaid, Implant, Limousine, Whaler, Necrotize, Provoker, Pauling, Sham, Stranglehold, Lovett, Psychosomatic, Trans c r i p t, Ellipse, Leprous, Graveyard, Crematory, Posthumous, Jumper, Hostess, Curie, Whoops, Parapsychology, Zenobia, H1N1, Hoodwinked, Killroy, Cholera, Habitat, Laptop
They are willing to to sell/trade
Unrestrained, AnakainSkywalker, Objective, xperimentation, Bandits, Petulance, Exactly, Heartwarming, SneakyPete, Antiquate, Otherness, Prefects, SneakyPete, Antiquate, Otherness, Prefects, Uprising, Declassified, Satisfied, Bootleg, Exacerbation, Spammer, Bootlegger, Sate, Diggory, Captured, Surreal
They are willing to to sell/trade
Brutality, Outrageous, Indeed, Straggler, Large, Follow, Context, Every, Founder
They are willing to to sell/trade
Spent, Hurdle, Disgusted, Expo, Lucca, Arigato, Cinch, Elicit, Garment, Hayne, Hepburn, Stargates, Tousle, Trope,  Mexican, Rafa, Preheat, Hijinks, Footage, Saskia, Kimo
They are willing to to sell/trade
Roman, Guppy, Remus, Rarity, Stun, Crone, Makayla, Spokane, Snitch, Kecleon, Disagree, Kalos, Bessie, Pallet, Cover, Sue
They are willing to to sell/trade
Clobber, Acrostic
They are willing to to sell/trade
Greek, Alyssandra, Fertile, Chlorite, Apoptosis
They are willing to to sell/trade
Corrupted, Sticked, Scrambling, Dialing, Diagonals, Vacuumed, Wigged, Loaning, Recreate, On, Cydonia, Headline, Harris, Faron, Pappi, OhNo, Purged, Chilis, Spooning
They are willing to to sell/trade
Cloaking, Competency, Exfoliate, Fre
They are willing to to sell/trade
Zucchini, Kaede, Kleinfeld, Amaranthine, Buki, Ling, Maido, TheBlackParade, Catechesis, CaroleAndTuesday, ShaneGlossin, JDM, 88rising, Vestment, Marteen, DaBaby, Evangelisation, AlexanderWang, Tiana, KarlMarx
They are willing to to sell/trade
Aloevera, Audacity, Deciption, Desolation, Chromatography, Harmless, Linguistical, Interestingly, Interruption, Jewelleries, Rapturing, Swagger, Kingkong, ResidentEvil, House, Brand, Bring, Bronwyn, Bullseye, Cholesterol, Casablanca, Confine, Cushion, Entrance, Impromptu, Intention, Items, Kaido, Myopia, Reference, Product, Sadness, Saunter, Screwed, Stupor, Substance, Unproductive, Ultimatum, Pepsi, Qilin, Risky, Lackey, Liqour, Surprised, Really, Alphabet, Kakashi, Asset, Uno, Cognitive, Recognise, Migrate, Infancy, Fulfil, Protege, Criteria, Competition, Decomposition, Dormammu, Arm, Bigbang, Definitions, Extrinsic, Chide, Glowing, Hawaiian, Kingkiller, Malleable, Occasion, Ponies, Rephaim, Sacrilegious, Decomposition, Competition, Diligent, Revenue, Feedback
They are willing to to sell/trade
They are willing to to sell/trade
Zine, Bar, Dank, Arts, Angus, Jar, Nutty, Bruna, Fresh, Gob, Gram, Hut, Keeta, Muhammad, Navy, Sandra, Jar, Ig, Bandage, Tip, Hubert, Mica, Beb, Draw, Demand, Iggi, Winna, Flop, Ke, Jig, Monique, Sigh, Sisi, and Tag
They are willing to to sell/trade
Clap, Earring, Marks, Spec, Unboxed, Manup, Windup, Dressup, Reamed, Wits, Edys, Maybs, Waged, Debted, Readying, Axels, Mou
They are willing to to sell/trade
Busy, Brainstew, Cages, Pacifier, Pumpkins, Teriyaki, Botox, Jesters, 2nd, Tarte, Throb, Both, Pirates, Otter, Frothing, Ramen, Scoliosis, Spectral, Yodel, Cheek, Chaplin, WaltDisney, Walkman, Spectrum, Cogs, Teenagers, Theatre, Syd, Pus, Scrape, Bruises, Pokerface, Italics, Cesspit, Celestite, Buneary, Volcanoes, Don
They are willing to to sell/trade
Hearse, Forearm
They are willing to to sell/trade
Need, Cha, Shop, Agro, Cholo, Anorexics, Crouch, Curling, Somewhat, Thankful, Spree, Shelve, Contour
They are willing to to sell/trade
Aragorn, Absurd, Dracon, Bellatrix, Fergie, Zweihander, Quoth
They are willing to to sell/trade
Fell, Hank, Ezekiel, Atlas, Twinge, Corp, Tut, Asher, Vivek, Cuneiform, Ramble, Adler, Polygraph, Fedora, Mongolia
They are willing to to sell/trade
Band, Gabber, Smiths, Remind, Regent, Beads
They are willing to to sell/trade
Andie, Jolie, Holli, Stargazer, Beasts, Vixens
They are willing to to sell/trade
Catz, Ded, Hacked, Kelthuzad, Khadgar, Meowerz, Megabyte, StoopidButtlicker, Nyra, Spooki, Kiljaeden, Guldan
They are willing to to sell/trade
Susie, Fuel, Cosmetic, Zoe, Daryl, Kiersten, Susanne
They are willing to to sell/trade
Lulu, Pa, Rhymer, Tonkostu, Worn
They are willing to to sell/trade
Balcony, Bleu, Chobani, Croatia, Garfield, Gloom, Grinch, Headmistress, Iroquois, Jackie, Kacy, Keelhaul, Ledian, Linus, Misha, Padlock, Police, SciFi
They are willing to to sell/trade
Agriculture, RemusLupin, Wah, Repeat, United, Sum, Thames, Yearn, SPF, Luxembourg, Sudan, CL, Satisfy, Stereotypical, Belong, Plushie, Isomer, Folksy, Fafnir, Greenland, Petrichor, Cm, Premature, Fragment, Clotho, Pogo
They are willing to to sell/trade
Battlestar, Cinderblock, Exploded, Flamers, Flashdance, Gladiators, Glowsticks, Gluttonous, Unforgivable, Submits, Dishevelled, Defuse, Deprived, Egotistical, Wentworth, Flaunts, Vara, Flaunts, Enticement, Fans, Faster, Fumbling, Optimise, Abella, Communion, Hisses, Serenading, Defined, Constraint, Skepticism, Spazzing, Toxified, Recoiled, Rottens, Jerr, Honouring, Corked, Festivities, Suggests, Essences, Scored
They are willing to to sell/trade
Extravagant, Ey, Ackbar, Guerrilla, Needy, Hatchery, Helix, Dainty, Dictionary, Dorky, Monopoly, Excel, Gummybear, Alberta, Etsy
They are willing to to sell/trade
Appalled, Bamboozles, Shall, Brigade, Boastful, Creationism
They are willing to to sell/trade
Omnipotent, Ya, Console, Goldring, Hygienic, LC, Metallized, Soapbox
They are willing to to sell/trade
Sculpt, Tatt, Wrapping, Pound, Pork, Boomshakalaka, Flavour, Exciting
They are willing to to sell/trade
Selectivity, Farrow, Academics, Milady, Summons, Undefeatable, Amplification, Defendant, Casualties, Move, Remove, Endurance, Racket, Shack, Eardrum, Close, GPS, RSVP, Mobilize, Whack, Enraged, Nonedible, Akalu, Earphone, Kudu, Toothpick, Waft, Debrief, Tapu, Cappyton
They are willing to to sell/trade
Allusive, Backward, Depressive, Enormous, Falsify, Feature, Frugal, Forecast, Hypnotise, Inch, Infertile, Jest, Metamorphic, Metastasize, Nepotism, Omnipresent, Reunion, Selective, Spatial, Swell, Teleportation, Vaccinate
They are willing to to sell/trade
Unhappy, Umami, Fleure, Gothique, Leafy, Trois, Deceptive
They are willing to to sell/trade
Ag, Cathartic, Booze, Ehh, Fathomless, Laconic, Lurking, Folly, Lair, Pity, Hinokami, Blessings, Oww, Cur, Wark
They are willing to to sell/trade
Ampersand, Autograph, Beard, Blur, BP, Theft, Torpor, Touche, Windshield, Willy, Convulsion, Antacid, Unsafe, Catheter, Contusion, Extract, Jailbird, Thal, Cahoots, Endoscopy, Hungover, Backstreet, Manager, Litter, Waiver, Youch, Cromwell, Deed, From, Gateway, Elevator, Lynyrd, Unstable, Vince, Worsen, Wilton, Vucca, Volkswagon, Verbose, Theirs, Takis, Subcutaneous, Smirch, Simulate, Sensitize, Reiss, Nucca, Midtown, Lowercase, and Lakers
They are willing to to sell/trade
Cocacola, Customer, Hating, Heartburn, Heartrate, Heterology, Lap, Movement, Prevent,Yeast, Straggled
They are willing to to sell/trade
Peon, Warp, Bombing
They are willing to to sell/trade
Animator, Brynn, Feat, Fend, Habi, Kairie, Zazoo
They are willing to to sell/trade
Adventures, Ais, Ashkandi, Clarisse, Dremora, Eclaire, Eona, Ess, Flirty, Harbour, Helene, Kazzak, Liadrin, Lilli, Loving, Omu, Owen, Palace, Tauren, Valery, Velen, Wishy
They are willing to to sell/trade
Abernethy, Ammonium, Aneuploidy, Anhydrous, Antigenic, Aorta, Cellulose, Centromere, Collagen, Column, Corpuscle, Derivative, Differential, Equation, Eyeful, Harmonics, Hydrophilic, Immunology, Inhibit, Integral, Isotopes, Lactose, Lymphocyte, Medical, Myocardium, Nematode, Oncology, Pentagon, Permutation, Phospholipid, Playgirl, Proliferation, Pythagoras, Respiratory, Rheumatology, Solvent, Splicing, Sua, Subtitle, Thalamus, Therapeutic, Tranion, Tryptamine
They are willing to to sell/trade
Aoh, Arise, Blindfold, By, Canuck, Firelord, Hoof, Houses, Laxness, Lotion, Pelipper, Rend, Resists, Shielded, Shilled, Spay, Strew, Tales, Yuan, Zestiria, Zun
Blackhand, Falstad. Grimtotem, Grommash, Malygos, Medivh, Protoss, Saberon, Tankard, Turalyon, Umm, Utgarde, Vashj, Serial
They are willing to to sell/trade
Fraternity, Rotisserie, Semisweet, Viceroy, Yuengling
They are willing to to sell/trade
Agi, Alohomora, Asylum, Auror, Bono, Boris, Bourbon, Cacnea, Celleste, Concur, Damascus, Defoe, Donatello, Drusilla, Dup, Empire, Four, Frail, Hieroglyph, Higgs, Imperio, Jury, Kin, Lambert, Lumos, Marauder, Masquerain, Migraine, Mule, Mycroft, Nat, NCIS, Nimphadora, Nun, Nympho, Occlumency, Oculus, Pangoro, Parseltongue, Pavlov, Polyjuice, Quirrell, Rap, Rembrandt, Sage, Septim, Serf, Seuss, Sheogorath, Shepherd, Sinus, Slow, Small, Smithsonian, Sob, Solstheim, Sophisticated, Soulmate, Sphynx, Squirrel, Steinbeck, Stormhold, Stradivarius, Strauss, Suave, Talisman, Tick, Trophy, Tyrion, Urchin, Veemon, Wander, Warthog, Whismur, Wingull, Xanadu

Names Snagged
List of names that have been snagged please do not harass these users for their names
Kina, Pharah, Smirnoff, Guilty, Baptiste, Puma, Selena, Grayson, Bumblebee, Blossom, Depressed, Relapse, Will, Gucci, Illegal, Winston, Stressful
Sappho, Brood, Fancy, Meaty, Cutie, Feral, Sanction, Groan, Sticky, Pupil, Parental, Necrology, Minority, Coagulate, Sangre, Prone, Dysentery, Sticky, Plot, Pajama, Clout, Schema, Poem, Neural, Palindrome, Retrograde, Rocketeer, Smoosh, Buxom, Pyre,Tank, Bethesda,  Louanne, Transient, Unseelie, Bouquet, Hyperthermia, Saintly, Nellie, Blinded, Handmaid, Implant, Limousine, Whaler, Necrotize, Provoker, Pauling, Sham, Stranglehold, Incorruptible, Lovett, Psychosomatic, Trans c r i p t, Infirm, Ellipse, Leprous, Graveyard, Steam, Crematory, Posthumous, Jumper, Hostess, Lesbos, Curie, Whoops, Parapsychology, Zenobia, H1N1, Hoodwinked, Killroy, Cholera, Habitat, Laptop
Apparating, BananaPeel, Unrestrained, AnakinSkywalker, BananaDaquiri, Objective, Ducks, Amalgamate, MacDaddy, Snacks, Oncologist, HappyMeal, Rockatansky, Mallards, Indulgences, Officer, Suppertime, Doughnuthole, Experimentation, GreyGoose, RoyalCrown, Mumbler, Bandits, BananaCreamPie, Wordy, Exactly, HeartWarming, Petulance, PansyParkinson,  Prefects, MrStinky, Otherness, TooSweet, Antiquate, SneakyPete, Fixated, Uprising, Declassified, Exacerbation, Beryllium, Satisfied, Yandu, Bootleg,  Breakfast, Spammer, BostonCream, Sedative, PantyThief, Debby, Cordials, Diggory, Captured, Sated, Sate, BillyGoat, Bootlegger, Surreal, Exclamation, AuLait, Barbie
Brutality, Nose, Strangelove, Outrageous, Writing, Marple, Janeway, Indeed, Straggler, Carnosaur, Piscine, Large, Wasp, Genus, Berk, Follow, Context, Every, Founder
Sprain, Clocks, Nerves
Ernest, Heidi, Azalea, Easel, Archaeologist, Choked, Regime, Graveyards, Catholicism, Hatshepsut, Mahatma, Advocate, Metals, Neanderthal, Pompeii, Susky, Wybourne, Matata, Broomsticks, Fawkes, Unsteady, Stupidity, Agar, Allies, Andrology, Antitank, Ballistics, Bloke, CH, Dunham, Einsteinium, Fergus, Hatrack, Johanna, Machiavelli, Maury, Microorganism, O2, Obliviate, Oratory, Quebec, Relentlessly, Stoning, Surrealistic, Tombrobbing, Transvestite, Yusuf, Zoroastrianism, Transylvanian, Wrinkled, Insignificant, Extend, Canonical, GoldenAge, Commemorate, Authentication
Dire, Defy, Embark, Fervent, Fiddle, Garden, Luminescence, Nation, Lithe, Derision, Earn, Ease, Elastic, Eczema, Enrage, Hijacked, Mucous, Online, Rebuke, Ruined, Oceanic, Finally, Pledge, Indignant, Profound, Versatile, Suppress, Inhale, Gallium, Prove, Deadpan, Hesitant, Mythical, Nexus, Sourdough, Tact, Vormir, Monomer, Remnant, Distraught, Rotting, Neurotic
Spectrum, Butterscotch, Kylo, Hood, Doyle, Underdog, Yan, Translucid, Waggle, Spar, Stereo, Spent, Hurdle, Disgusted, Expo, Lucca, Arigato, Cinch, Elicit, Garment, Hayne, Hepburn, Stargates, Tousle, Trope, Lying, Hither,  Mexican, Rafa, Preheat, Hijinks, Footage, Saskia, Rocket, Lying, Box, Calie, Demisexual, Kimo, Fondant, Direct, Conjoint, Developing, Foreclosure, Gigawatts, Networks, Practicing, Seclusive, Secondary, Seemed, Swooping, Tantalising
Roman, Guppy, Remus, Rarity, Stun, Crone, Makayla, Spokane, Snitch, Kecleon, Disagree, Kalos, Bessie, Pallet, Cover, Sue
Werewolf, Tribe, RIP, Family, Account
Garry, Gordan, Acrostic, Babushka, Clobber, Agnes, Wolfgang, Crimewave, Boombox, Misdemeanor
Pout, Ouchy, Fortunes, Purest, Diabetic, Partypooper, Cancers, Nyako, Ophelia, Hoping, 666th, Godbless, Shia, Beefcakes, Crimewaves, Zzzland, Snarls, Illness, Imperialist, Prideful, Spiffy, Skyfall, Damning, Grumpiest, Cutiepatootie, Phantasmal, Rigormortis, Pyromancer, Pounces, Nyans, Oopsie, Defrosts, Britt, Kairo, Kingley, Sacrificing, Uncivilized, Olla, Statues, Whacky, Tributes, Riceballs, Hellfires, Dopamines, Mischance, Olay, Chubb, Chugged, Dicy
Thot, GreenLantern, 0v0, Deven, Dona, Etc, Flat, Traditional, Gig, Gigabyte, Disturbing, Wristband, Attractive, Garbage, VHS, Cadaver, Bus, Etude, Fertile, Fiddlestick, Filler, Wriggle, Vindicate, Voicemail, Greek, Tangent, Alyssandra, Chlorite, Concerto, Swirling, Their, Universal, Vile, Apoptosis, Gas, Grief, Chopin, Carmille, Platonic, Heist, Choral, Forte, Treachery
Corrupted, LedZeppelin, Sticked, Scambling, Dialing, Diagonals, Vacuumed, Wigged, Loaning, Would, UTI, Tuplet, Recreate, Obituary, On, Cydonia, Headline, Harris, Paulie, Faron, Pappi, CatScratchFever, OhNo, FreakOnALeash, BassGuitarist, Purged, Cornet, Chilis, Spooning
Vanya, Style, Solitude, Adoptables, Reset, Hydro, Dictate, Donor, Grab, Deem, Ectoplasmic, Examine, Cardiology, Fiendfyre, Entry, Colonial, Hanamichi, Foundation, Carbonara, Volunteer, Converge, DC, Tinge, Merit, Nutrition, Hijacker, Study, Resonate, Mic, Figo, Ergo, Perform, Rx, Phoenix, Fund, Gullible, Currant, Comply, Client, Cozen, Hr, Giselle, Davy, Concede, Hx, Cloaking, Competency, Fre, Humphrey, Coded, Fort, Apocryphal, Hospitality, Detention, Fc, Dm, Corin
Zucchini, Kaede, Kleinfeld, Amaranthine, Buki, Ling, Maido, TheBlackParade, Catechesis, CaroleAndTuesday, ShaneGlossin, JDM, 88rising, Vestment, Marteen, DaBaby, Evangelisation, AlexanderWang, Tiana, KarlMarx, Momotaro, Shoujou, ChristianLouboutin, EddieRedmayne, MargotRobbie, Hokago, Kilowatt, Anuric, DCIS, Polycythemia
Aloevera, Audacity, Deciption, Desolation, Chromatography, Harmless, Linguistical, Interestingly, Interruption, Jewelleries, Rapturing, Swagger, Kingkong, ResidentEvil, House, Brand, Bring, Bronwyn, Bullseye, Cholesterol, Casablanca, Confine, Cushion, Entrance, Impromptu, Intention, Items, Kaido, Myopia, Reference, Product, Sadness, Saunter, Screwed, Stupor, Substance, Unproductive, Ultimatum, Pepsi, Qilin, Foo, Risky, Lackey, Liqour, Surprised, Really, Alphabet, Kakashi, Asset, Uno, Cognitive, Recognise, Migrate, Infancy, Fulfil, Protege, Criteria, Competition, Decomposition, Dormammu, Arm, Bigbang, Definitions, Extrinsic, Chide, Glowing, Hawaiian, Kingkiller, Malleable, Occasion, Ponies, Rephaim, Sacrilegious, Mulan, AprilFools, Decomposition, Competition, Diligent, Revenue, Feedback
Judicia, Vetinari, Jareth, Foundling, Journeyman, Mab, Torchbearer, Mattia, Fulcrum, FordPrefect, Fisticuffs, Nutcase, Chekhov, Browncoat, Cutpurse, Chernobog, Duncun, Dragonrider, Dariius, Agrippina, Merlyn, Demote, Gibbet, Memorandum, Writ, Disembark, Boarding, Numerian, Materialise, Tribunal, Dragonbane, TJHooker, Selek, Tenebrus, Parthenon, Coptic, Carthage, Mikhal, Reprobate, Bathsheba, Mesopotamia, Sixpence, Derelict, Dis, Crematorium, Eugenics, Shatner, Captain, Ireland, Samael, Ensign, Immutability, Retire, Saints, Moonfire, Figurehead, Refit, Lieutenants, Mors, Scot, Promised, Kath, Justicar, Energize, Landlubber, Reaping, Schematic, Serpans, Banquo, Prospero
Zine, Bar, Dank, Arts, Good, Honeymoon, Angus, Fir, Jar, Nutty, Bruna, Fresh, Gob, Gram, Hut, Keeta, Muhammad, Navy, Sandra, Jar, Sonny, Sweetie, Blooms, Fossil, Koi, Philip, Prada, Price, Vegan, Ig, Mildred, Party, Bandage, Tip, Hubert, Mica, Beb, Draw, Demand, Bell, Sim, Popcorn, Ainsley, Rosetta, Iggi, Winna, Flop, Ke, Jig, Monique, Sigh, Sisi, Tag
Clap, Earring, Marks, Spec, Unboxed, Manup, Windup, Dressup, Wacken, Sleepwalked, Reamed, Wits, Edys, Maybs, Waged, Debted, Readying, Axels, Mou, FE, Sassily
Busy, Brainstew, Cages, Pacifier, Pumpkins, Teriyaki, Botox, Jesters, 2nd, Tarte, Throb, Both, Pirates, Otter, Frothing, Ramen, Scoliosis, Spectral, Yodel, KillBill, Cheek, Chaplin, WaltDisney, Walkman, Spectrum, Cogs, Teenagers, Theatre, Syd, Moulin, Pus, Scrape, Bruises, Pokerface, Italics, Cesspit, Celestite, Buneary, Volcanoes, Don, Bry
Hearse, Fondle, Forearm
Need, Cha, Shop, Agro, Cholo, Anorexics, Crouch, Curling, Somewhat, Thankful, Spree, Shelve, Contour
ArthurWeasley, Ghostbusters, AntiVirus
Aragorn, Beg, Absurd, Dracon, Bellatrix, Beetlejuice, Fergie, Zweihander, Quoth
Fell, Hank, Ezekiel, Atlas, Twinge, Corp, Gaudi, Caligula, Tut, Asher, Vivek, Cuneiform, Ramble, Adler, Illium, Polygraph, Fedora, Salvatierra, Mongolia, Fabrizio, Dumas
Band, Kite, Gabber, Smiths, Remind, Regent, Beads
13, Addyson, Andie, Aurelia, Beasts, Cozy, Curator, Daydreams, Diaz, Esme, Festive, Giraffe, Holli, Horacio, Horrify, Humberto, Jaxon, Jollie, Liv, Lyndsey, Mangy, Marguerite, Marvel, Mat, Nash, Peyton, Regeneration, Risa, Sheridan, Squeal, Stargazer, Suze, Vix, Vixens, Zapped
Catz, Ded, Hacked, Kelthuzad, Khadgar, Meowerz, Megabyte, Stoopid, Glitched, Neeko, Riven, Buttlicker, Nyra, Spooki, Sylvanas, Illidan, Azshara, Daenerys, Dracarys, Alexstrasza, Cenarius, Murky, Ryne, Zenos, Vereesa, Spookie, Toxics, Kiljaeden, Guldan
Susie, Fuel, Cosmetic, Zoe, Daryl, Kiersten, Susanne, Fashionista, Entomb, Elijah, Lobotomy, Virgil, Wendy, Lulu
Sprinter, Figment, Metabolism, Inkspell, Atlanta, Alaskan, Alps, Finland, Gavin, Istanbul, Laos, Lulu, Norwegian, Pa, Polaroid, Rhymer, Tonkostu, Worn, Palomino, Hastings, WarChief
Aberforth, Agricultural, Audiology, Balcony, Ballast, Bleu, Borage, Bowtruckles, Chobani, Croatia, Crumb, Deadeye, Erised, Garfield, Gloom, Goldenrod, Grinch, Headmistress, Illios, Iroquois, Jackie, Jeeves, Kacy, Karri, Keelhaul, Killian, Kyler, Ledian, Linus, Misha, Padlock, Police, Route66, SciFi, Shacklebolt, Symphonia, Zelos
Deadlynight, Deathrush, Thrown, Timelapse, Torchlight, Traffic, Tremble, Tuck, Windweaver, Woosh, WildRoses, DeadlyPoison
Agriculture, RemusLupin, Wah, Repeat, United, Sum, Thames, Yearn, SPF, Luxembourg, Sudan, CL, Satisfy, Stereotypical, Hippie, Imagination, Belong, Plushie, Isomer, Folksy, Fafnir, Greenland, BD, Petrichor, Cm, Premature, Fragment, ovo, Clotho, Pogo
Flopsy, Hellcat, Monaco, Marwari, Firestorm, Brainstorm, Rene, Monsieur, Yippee, Cheerilee, Inkpaw, Sandyclaws, LeBlanc, Theist, Fete, Yearling, Telepath, Moondance
Agrippa, Amica, Battlestar, Cinderblock, Ebon, Degenerate, Dissipate, Exploded, FACK, Flamers, Flashdance, Gladiators, Glowsticks, Gluttonous, Goals, Hax, Hyperlink, Unforgivable, Weeaboo, Submits, Dishevelled, Defuse, Deprived, Egotistical, Wentworth, Flaunts, Vara, Fite, Box, Flaunts, Enticement, Fans, Faster, Fumbling, Optimise, Buzzed, Grumbles, Seething, Abella, Communion, Hisses, Serenading, Defined, Constraint, Pulverized, Skepticism, Spazzing, Toxified, Recoiled, Rottens, Jerr, Honouring, Corked, Festivities, Suggests, Essences, Scored
Beetroot, Lanayru, Amara
Guevara, Extravagant, Ey, Ackbar, Guerrilla, Needy, Hatchery, Helix, Dainty, Dictionary, Dorky, Monopoly, Excel, Gummybear, Alberta, Etsy
Appalled, Bamboozles, Shall, Boastful, Haytham, Mastery, Autobot, Skyfire, Hotspot, Cybertronian, Spaceship, Brigade, Creationism, Tuco, Izumo, Aussies
Omnipotent, Ya, Boreal, Console, Goldring, Hygienic, LC, Metallized, Soapbox
Feed, Fleck, Sculpt, Painful, Tangy, Sucker, Tatt, Ta, Wrapping, Snapple, Pincer, Beeswax, Eventide, Pull, Refill, Refractive, Saucy, Scrag, Tapatio, Strand, Pound, Pork, Boomshakalaka, Flavour, Exciting, Transplany
Selectivity, Farrow, Academics, Milady, Summons, Undefeatable, Amplification, Defendant, Casualties, Move, Remove, Endurance, Racket, Shack, Eardrum, Close, GPS, RSVP, Mobilize, Whack, Paint, Enraged, Nonedible, Akalu, Earphone, Kudu, Toothpick, Waft, Debrief, Tapu, Cappyton, Kidou
Allusive, Backward, Depressive, Enormous, Falsify, Feature, Frugal, Forecast, Hypnotise, Inch, Infertile, Jest, Metamorphic, Metastasize, Nepotism, Omnipresent, Reunion, Selective, Spatial, Swell, Teleportation, Vaccinate
Unhappy, Umami, Fleure, Gothique, Leafy, Trois, Deceptive
Ag, Cathartic, Booze, Ehh, Fathomless, Laconic, Lurking, Mope, Folly, Lair, Beni, Pity, Hinokami, Blessings, Oww, Cur, Wark, Osamu, Kael
Ampersand, Autograph, Beard, Blur, BP, Theft, Torpor, Touche, Windshield, Willy, Convulsion, Antacid, Unsafe, Catheter, Contusion, Extract, Jailbird, Thal, Lamborghini, Cahoots, Endoscopy, Kenty, Hungover, Backstreet, Manager, Litter, Waiver, Youch, Cromwell, Deed, From, Gateway, Murdock, Beauregard, Elevator, Lynyrd, Unstable, Vince, Worsen, Wilton, Vucca, Volkswagon, Verbose, Theirs, Takis, Subcutaneous, Subatomic, Smirch, Simulate, Sherlock, Sensitize, Reiss, Pheromone, Nucca, Midtown, Lowercase, Lakers
Cocacola, Customer, Hating, Heartburn, Heartrate, Heterology, Lap, Movement, Prevent,Yeast, Straggled
Zet, Woken, Deathwish, Wickedness, Whoof, Wor, Dawned, Zephod, Whispered
Cain, Sword, Antlered, Locke, Peon, Sheathe, Warp, Plague, Pat, Skylark, Metatron, Col, Bombing
Animator, Brynn, Feat, Fend, Habi, Kairie, Zazoo
Affair, Bipolor, Horrendous, Senkaimon, Natsuki, Bloated, Discoloration, and Mikashi
Buttlicker, Bumhole, Clavicle, Dote, FinalFantasy, Karazhan, Kunt, Meowed, Nefarion, Nozdormu, OutlawStar, Revan, Stoopid, Thrall, Twilek, Undercity
Ashbringer, Ashenvale, Cashew, Frostmourne, Linnea, Maiev, Misa, Moonwell, Rosalind, Ursoc, Kaelthas, Lil, Liv, Pamela, Adventures, Ais, Ashkandi, Clarisse, Dremora, Eclaire, Eona, Ess, Flirty, Harbour, Helene, Kazzak, Liadrin, Lilli, Loving, Omu, Owen, Palace, Tauren, Valery, Velen, Wishy, Vixen
Abernethy, Ammonium, Aneuploidy, Anhydrous, Antigenic, Aorta, Cellulose, Centromere, Collagen, Column, Corpuscle, Derivative, Differential, Equation, Eyeful, Harmonics, Hertz, Hydrophilic, Immunology, Inhibit, Integral, Intestine, Isotopes, Lactose, Lymphocyte, Medical, Myocardium, Nematode, Oncology, Pentagon, Permutation, Phospholipid, Playgirl, Proliferation, Pythagoras, Residue, Respiratory, Rheumatology, Solvent, Splicing, Sua, Subtitle, Thalamus, Therapeutic, Tranion, Tryptamine, Diocles, Mammal, Surgical, Metastasis, Wei, Bowel, Couple, Career, Uneasiness
Amygdala, Catboy, Nil, Onigiri, Shinobu, Sif, Emi, Egoraptor, Gio, Gryphon, Anasterian, Heroism, Kaelthas, Lorthemar,  Menethil, Murloc, Sha, Sunwell, Thalia, Tirisfal, Windrider, Ysera, Aoh, Arise, Blindfold, By, Canuck, Firelord, Hoof, Houses, Laxness, Lotion, Pelipper, Rend, Resists, Shielded, Shilled, Spay, Strew, Tales, Yuan, Zestiria, Zun
Blackhand, Falstad. Grimtotem, Grommash, Malygos, Medivh, Protoss, Saberon, Tankard, Turalyon, Umm, Utgarde, Vashj, Serial
Fraternity, Prude, Rotisserie, Semisweet, Viceroy, Yuengling
Agi, Alohomora, Asylum, Auror, Bono, Boris, Bourbon, Cacnea, Celleste, Concur, Damascus, Defoe, Donatello, Drusilla, Dup, Empire, Four, Frail, Hieroglyph, Higgs, Imperio, Jury, Kin, Lambert, Lumos, Marauder, Masquerain, Migraine, Mule, Mycroft, Nat, NCIS, Nimphadora, Nun, Nympho, Occlumency, Oculus, Pangoro, Parseltongue, Pavlov, Polyjuice, Quirrell, Rap, Rembrandt, Sage, Septim, Serf, Seuss, Sheogorath, Shepherd, Sinus, Slow, Small, Smithsonian, Sob, Solstheim, Sophisticated, Soulmate, Sphynx, Squirrel, Steinbeck, Stormhold, Stradivarius, Strauss, Suave, Talisman, Tick, Trophy, Tyrion, Urchin, Veemon, Wander, Warthog, Whismur, Wingull, Xanadu, Corbin, Decepticon, Isabella, Keith, Kiki, Schemes, Shay, Vulture, Developer, Eowyn, Glamdring, Hughes, Krusnik. Orcrist, Shire, Treebeard


5:34pm Jan 1 2020 (last edited on 1:41pm Jan 9 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 284
Sappho, Brood, Fancy, and Meaty
EDIT: Cutie, Feral, Sanction, Groan, Pupil, Parental, Necrology,  Minority, Coagulate, Sangre, Prone, Dysentery, Sticky, Plot, Pajama, Clout, Schema, Poem, Neural, Palindrome, Retrograde, Rocketeer, Smoosh, Buxom, Pajama, Pyre, Tank, Schema, and Bethesda.
EDIT: Louanne, Transient, Unseelie.
EDIT: Bouquet, Hyperthermia
EDIT: Tran, Saintly (EDIT EDIT: Never had Tran. Was supposed to say Tran s c r i p t and got corrected.)
EDIT: Nellie, Blinded, Handmaid, Implant, Limousine, Whaler, Necrotize, Provoker, Pauling, Sham
EDIT: Stranglehold, Incorruptible, Lovett, Psychosomatic
EDIT: Infirm, Ellipse, Leprous, Graveyard, Steam, Crematory
EDIT: Posthumous, Jumper, Hostess, Lesbos, Curie
EDIT: Whoops, Parapsychology, Zenobia, H1N1, Hoodwinked
EDIT: Killroy, Cholera, Habitat, Laptop
Not trading or selling: Sappho, Feral, Coagulate, Pyre, Tank, Neural, Unseelie, Groan, Bouquet, Pauling, Incorruptible, Infirm, Steam, or Lesbos. Hard sell on Bethesda or Curie.

GONE: Meaty, Sticky, and Minority


5:38pm Jan 1 2020 (last edited on 2:54am Jan 10 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 131
Clear 1 : Apparating
Clear 2: BananaPeel
Clear 3 : Unrestrained, AnakinSkywalker, BananaDaquiri, Objective, Objectivity
Clear 4: Ducks, Amalgamate, MacDaddy, Snacks, Oncologist, HappyMeal, Rockatansky, Mallards, Indulgences, Officer
 Clear 5 : Suppertime, Doughnuthole (thank you Breeze), Experimentation, GreyGoose, RoyalCrown, Mumbler, Bandits, BananaCreamPie, Wordy, Exactly, HeartWarming, Petulance, PansyParkinson
Clear 6 : Prefects, MrStinky, Otherness, TooSweet, Antiquate, SneakyPete, Fixated, Uprising, Declassified, Exacerbation, Beryllium, Satisfied, Yandu, Bootleg, 
Clear 7 : Breakfast, Spammer, BostonCream, Sedative (given away), PantyThief

Second to Last: Debby, Cordials, Diggory, Captured, Sated, Sate, BillyGoat, Bootlegger, Surreal, Exclamation

Last Clear : AuLait, Barbie(sent to MyMeloChan) 
Selling: Unrestrained, AnakinSkywalker, Objective, Amalgamate, HappyMeal, Indulgences, Experimentation, Bandits, Petulance, Exactly, Heartwarming, SneakyPete, Antiquate, Otherness, Prefects, Uprising, Declassified, Satisfied, Bootleg, Exacerbation, Spammer, Bootlegger, Sate, Diggory, Captured, Surreal

I will buy/Trade anything for Cookie :)


6:05pm Jan 1 2020 (last edited on 4:25pm Jan 5 2020)


Posts: 84
I got Brutality, Nose, Strangelove, Outrageous, Writing, Marple, Janeway, Indeed, Straggler, Carnosaur, Piscine and Large!

Note: I would potentially be willing to sell Brutality, Outrageous, Indeed, Straggler and Large.

6:05pm Jan 1 2020

Normal User

Posts: 35
Will edit as time goes on! I have gotten: Sprain, Clocks, and Nerves. At the end of all this I'll decide what I'm selling :P <3

8:27pm Jan 1 2020

Normal User

Posts: 737
So far, I've got Ernest and Heidi :D


10:39pm Jan 1 2020 (last edited on 2:31am Jan 7 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
I just got Dire ;u;
 Defy, Embark, Fervent, Fiddle, Garden, Luminescence, Nation;
 Derision, Earn, Ease, Elastic;
 Eczema, Enrage, Hijacked, Mucous, Online, Rebuke, Ruined;
Oceanic, Finally, Pledge, Indignant;
Profound, Versatile, Suppress, Inhale;
Gallium, Prove, Deadpan, Hesitant;
Mythical, Nexus, Sourdough, Tact, Vormir, Monomer

EDIT: Remnant, Distraught, Rotting, Neurotic

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

11:47pm Jan 1 2020 (last edited on 6:10pm Jan 2 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
So far I've grabbed Spectrum, Butterscotch, and Kylo, who went to Anakin :D
Adding more that I've gotten: Hood (gave to Witchy for Hax), Doyle, Underdog, Yan, Translucid, and Waggle. :3
Edit 2: I got Spar. Traded to Juke :3c


12:03am Jan 2 2020 (last edited on 12:37am Jan 2 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 131
I grabbed Roman, Guppy,, Crone, Makayla,, spokane Remus, Rarity and stun all for sale but Roman will be a tough sell

12:06am Jan 2 2020 (last edited on 12:06am Jan 2 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
I got Werewolf and Tribe. ♥ Not selling.


12:13am Jan 2 2020 (last edited on 3:54pm Jan 4 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 138
OK OK i grabbed Garry, Gordan, Acrostic, Babushka, Clobber, and Agnes!! (clobber + acrostic are ufs)
edit 1: nabbed wolfgang!
edit 2: crimewave, boombox, misdemeanor


12:32am Jan 2 2020 (last edited on 4:04am Jan 10 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 368
I have pout,
EDIT - ouchy, fortunes, purest, diabetic, partypooper, cancers
EDIT - nyako, ophelia, hoping, 666th, godbless, shia, beefcakes, crimewaves, zzzland
EDIT - snarls, illness, imperialist
EDIT - prideful, spiffy, skyfall, damning, grumpiest, cutiepatootie, phantasmal, rigormortis
EDIT - pyromancer, pounces, nyans
EDIT - oopsie, defrosts, britt
EDIT - kairo, kingley, sacrificing, uncivilized, olla, statues, whacky, tributes, riceballs
EDIT - hellfires, dopamines, mischance, olay, chubb, chugged, dicy


12:34am Jan 2 2020 (last edited on 4:27am Jan 5 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 418
So far: Thot, GreenLantern, 0v0, Deven, Dona, etc, flat, traditional, Gig, gigabyte, disturbing, wristband, attractive, Garbage, VHS, Cadaver (giving to Crow), Bus, Etude, Fertile, Fiddlestick, filler, wriggle, vindicate, voicemail, greek, and tangent, Alyssandra, Chlorite, Concerto, Swirling, their, universal, Vile, Apoptosis, Gas, Grief, Chopin, Carmille, Platonic, Heist, Choral

New: Forte, Treachery

Not sure yet on whether I'm selling some names,, but PLEASE feel free to send an offer on any of them!

Names I'm forsure forsure selling: Greek, Alyssandra, Fertile, Chlorite, Apoptosis, Gas

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

12:34am Jan 2 2020 (last edited on 10:08am Jan 10 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 99
(in bold is changes!)

Corrupted (Sold)
On (Sold)
Harris (SOLD!)



1:20am Jan 2 2020

Normal User

Posts: 347
I got Vanya, Style, Solitude and Adoptables (gifting)


1:24am Jan 2 2020 (last edited on 2:26am Jan 3 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 257
hehe got Zucchini

EDIT: got Kaede <3

4:02am Jan 2 2020 (last edited on 9:49pm Jan 10 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 557
I got aloevera, audacity, depiction, desolation, chromatography, harmless, linguistical, interestingly, interruption, jewelleries, rapturing, swagger. Willing to sell as long as the price is right :)

Edit: Looking to trade first: Kingkong, ResidentEvil, House, brand, bring, bronwyn, bullseye, cholesterol, casablanca, confine, cushion, entrance, impromptu, intention, items, kaido, myopia, reference, product, sadness, saunter, screwed, stupor, substance, unproductive and ultimatum

Edit 2: Trading first: Pepsi, Qilin

Edit 3: Trade/sell: Risky, lackey, liqour, surprised, really

Edit 4: Alphabet, Kakashi, asset, uno, cognitive, recognise, migrate, infancy, fulfil, protege

Edit 5: Criteria, competition, decomposition, Dormammu, arm, bigbang, definitions, extrinsic, chide, glowing, hawaiian, kingkiller, malleable, occasion, ponies, rephaim, sacrilegious

Edit 6: Decomposition, competition, diligent, revenue, feedback

Traded/sold: Substance, sacrilegious, pepsi, electrocute

Not selling/trading: Foo, Mulan, AprilFools

Note: I'm trying to trade for names that I really want first. But feel free to throw me fair offers.


8:56am Jan 2 2020 (last edited on 9:08am Jan 2 2020)


Posts: 543
Judicia, Vetinari and Jareth so far.

Willing to sell and/or trade Jareth. Maybe.

... knew I forgot one. Nabbed Foundling, too.


10:02am Jan 2 2020

Normal User

Posts: 737
I've also gotten Azalea and Easel

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