2:51am Jan 9 2020
Normal User
Posts: 7
Not for sale/trade: Buttlicker, Bumhole, Clavicle, Dote, FinalFantasy, Karazhan, Kunt, Meowed, Nefarion, Nozdormu, OutlawStar, Revan, Stoopid, Thrall, Twilek, Undercity
4:18am Jan 9 2020 (last edited on 2:17pm Jan 12 2020)
Normal User
Posts: 19
For me (please do not ask to buy or trade): Ashbringer, Ashenvale, Cashew, Frostmourne, Lilli, Linnea, Maiev, Misa, Moonwell, Rosalind, Ursoc, Vixen
For others: Kaelthas (for Moltres), Lil (for Lilith), Liv (for Smuh), Pamela (for Shinigami)
For sale and trade: Adventures, Ais, Ashkandi, Clarisse, Dremora, Eclaire, Eona, Ess, Flirty (traded to Fir3w0rks for Arena), Harbour, Helene, Kazzak, Liadrin, Loving, Omu, Owen (sold to Anakin/Kylo), Palace (sold to Vol), Tauren, Valery, Velen, Wishy
10:09am Jan 9 2020
Normal User
Posts: 304
nabbed Strand!
1:53pm Jan 9 2020
Normal User
Posts: 304
Pound, Pork, Boomshakalaka, Flavour, Exciting, Transplant willing to sell or trade all of the above except for Transplant!
2:39pm Jan 9 2020
Normal User
Posts: 737
I've managed to snag these names within the last few clearings:
Agar, Allies, Andrology, Antitank, Ballistics, Bloke, CH, Dunham, Einsteinium, Fergus, Hatrack, Johanna, Machiavelli, Maury, Microorganism, O2, Obliviate, Oratory, Quebec, Relentlessly, Stoning, Surrealistic, Tombrobbing, Transvestite, Yusuf and Zoroastrianism
3:12pm Jan 9 2020
Normal User
Posts: 347
Work up late to the party but snagged - Corin
3:39pm Jan 9 2020
Normal User
Posts: 355
Names I've snagged:
Abernethy, Ammonium, Aneuploidy, Anhydrous, Antigenic, Aorta, Cellulose, Centromere, Collagen, Column, Corpuscle, Derivative, Differential, Equation, Eyeful, Harmonics, Hertz, Hydrophilic, Immunology, Inhibit, Integral, Intestine, Isotopes, Lactose, Lymphocyte, Medical, Myocardium, Nematode, Oncology, Pentagon, Permutation, Phospholipid, Playgirl, Proliferation, Pythagoras, Residue, Respiratory, Rheumatology, Solvent, Splicing, Sua, Subtitle, Thalamus, Therapeutic, Tranion, Tryptamine
Names snagged & sent to me:
Diocles, Mammal, Surgical,
Not for sale:
Diocles, Hertz, Intestine, Mammal, Medical, Residue, Surgical
by Zen ♥
2:48am Jan 10 2020
Normal User
Posts: 355
Final clearing update:
For myself I grabbed - Metastasis, Wei, Bowel
For Secrets I grabbed - Couple, Career, Uneasiness
by Zen ♥
2:51am Jan 10 2020
Normal User
Posts: 737
these are the final names I got:
Transylvanian, Wrinkled, Insignificant, Extend, Canonical, GoldenAge, Commemorate and Authentication
2:51am Jan 10 2020
Posts: 195
had Wendy and Lulu gifted to me <3
3:06am Jan 10 2020 (last edited on 3:36pm Jan 10 2020)
Normal User
Posts: 461
Edited... again Alright, I've been waiting until the end to post this lol.
NFS (or rather, highly unlikely to sell)
Amygdala, Catboy, Nil, Onigiri, Shinobu, Sif, Emi, Egoraptor, Gio, Gryphon, Anasterian, Heroism, Kaelthas(Thanks River <3), Lorthemar, Menethil, Murloc, Sha, Sunwell, Thalia, Tirisfal, Windrider, Ysera(Traded to Athena c:)
Others These I might sell if asked. If there is a lot of interest in one, it would probably go to auctions.
Aoh, Arise, Blindfold, By(sold), Canuck, Firelord, Hoof, Houses. Laxness, Lotion, Pelipper, Rend(sold), Resists, Shielded, Shilled, Spay, Strew, Tales, Yuan, Zestiria, Zun Blackhand, Falstad. Grimtotem, Grommash, Malygos, Medivh, Protoss, Saberon, Tankard, Turalyon, Umm, Utgarde, Vashj, Serial (sold)
I think that's everything. Some of them I'm not sure if they were in the SR or just available names
3:07am Jan 10 2020
Normal User
Posts: 344
now it's all done...i have a few more names now:
boreal, console, goldring, hygienic, LC, metallized, soapbox.
boreal is not for sale.
everything else is for trade only for a couple weeks.
3:08am Jan 10 2020
Normal User
Posts: 479
Final Post for me:13 Addyson Andie Aurelia Beasts Cozy Curator Daydreams Diaz Esme Festive Giraffe Holli Horacio Horrify Humberto Jaxon (Going to my Fiancee) Jolie Liv (Gifted to me by River ♥♥) Lyndsey Mangy Marguerite Marvel Mat Nash Peyton Regeneration Risa Sheridan Squeal Stargazer Suze Vix Vixens Zapped
Unsure of which ones I'm willing to sell/trade yet. I do know that Peyton Risa and Liv are DEFINITELY staying with me though. Congrats to everyone on their snags. It's been a good sleepless time with all of you. ♥
3:32am Jan 10 2020
Normal User
Posts: 1,009
Today I got: Conjoint, Developing, Foreclosure, Gigawatts, Networks, Practicing, Seclusive, Secondary, Seemed, Swooping, and Tantalising. And updating the selling one. Arigato is no longer for sale! Thank you :D
3:41am Jan 10 2020
Normal User
Posts: 243
Got: Fraternity, Prude, Rotisserie, Semisweet, Viceroy, and Yuengling
NFS: Prude
The rest are up for offers!
4:07am Jan 10 2020
Normal User
Posts: 3,005
Did I miss *robbert* for sale Anyplace on here?
In 38 colors, and a thousand black Gondras later... I rise over my Army as the Gondra Queen! \r\n \r\n\r\n
6:03am Jan 10 2020 (last edited on 6:14am Jan 10 2020)
Normal User
Posts: 257
final clearing:
was gifted Barbie (thank you Sym!!!!!)
Momotaro, Shoujou, ChristianLouboutin, EddieRedmayne, MargotRobbie, Hokago, Kilowatt, Anuric, DCIS, Polycythemia
8:06am Jan 10 2020
Normal User
Posts: 1,444
Finally got done with the clearings so now I can organize!
Selling: Agi, Alohomora, Asylum, Auror, Bono, Boris, Bourbon, Cacnea, Celleste, Concur, Damascus, Defoe, Donatello, Drusilla, Dup, Empire, Four, Frail, Hieroglyph, Higgs, Imperio, Jury, Kin, Lambert, Lumos, Marauder, Masquerain, Migraine, Mule, Mycroft, Nat, NCIS, Nimphadora, Nun, Nympho, Occlumency, Oculus, Pangoro, Parseltongue, Pavlov, Polyjuice, Quirrell, Rap, Rembrandt, Sage, Septim, Serf, Seuss, Sheogorath, Shepherd, Sinus, Slow, Small, Smithsonian, Sob, Solstheim, Sophisticated, Soulmate, Sphynx, Squirrel, Steinbeck, Stormhold, Stradivarius, Strauss, Suave, Talisman, Tick, Trophy, Tyrion, Urchin, Veemon, Wander, Warthog, Whismur, Wingull, Xanadu
Already traded/given or on hold: Corbin, Decepticon, Isabella, Keith, Kiki, Schemes, Shay, Vulture
For Me: Developer, Eowyn, Glamdring, Hughes, Krusnik. Orcrist, Shire, Treebeard
I'll be making an auction thread for some of these in the coming days (so far definitely Asylum and Soulmate, potentially others as well).