Name hunting services.

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5:58pm Jul 3 2013 (last edited on 6:06pm Jul 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 583
Dro'ziir who Keeps the Winds' Hunting shack.

"Prrr, this one welcomes you, smooth skin. Come, sit. Let us share Moonsugar and speak business.
You need some one hunted down, yes? This one can be of service. We Khajiit are good hunters. Yes, we know many tricks to track down prey.
For a fee, this one will track down any individual or group that you may desire.

I will require a fee of 400k per prey item. Once the target has been acquired and payments made, I will send you a message containing the details of the locations.

This one has much time, so she can hunt many prey at once. There will be no waiting list or caps.

Message Dro'ziir the targets you seek and leave the rest to her."

-400k per name
-Unlimited spots/names
-RM name list and send money. Please, do not post names! I don't give refunds after I've started searching(exceptions may be made).
-May consider more than tu for larger hunts

Why yes, I AM an elderscroll addict!

6:02pm Jul 3 2013


Posts: 2,161
I'm looking for two names, could you help? 

I'm looking for the names Dreadwing and Blaster. :)


6:04pm Jul 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 583
I'd be happy to help. However please RM the names!:)

Why yes, I AM an elderscroll addict!

6:10pm Jul 3 2013


Posts: 2,161
Oh. XD Okay.

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