Need a person to come up with names? Well you don't anymore. Need a person to egg hunt? Not any

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11:18pm Jul 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
I will come up with names when ever you need me and the first three are half price to make sure that you like the name and if you don't then I will keep searching till I find a name that is right for you. I will also find eggs for any one who needs them I will do both of these for low prices which you will find below. So why wait when you can hire me now!

~Payment Types~

I would mainly like pure, however if you are running short I will also take, credits, pets, rare eggs, and I would like for someone to customize my profile. 


The first three are half price!

For names it costs 200k

Egg hunting costs are below

for between 1-5 rare eggs it costs 100k
for between 1-5 semi rare eggs it costs 50k
for between 1-5 non rare eggs it costs 25k

for between 6-11 rare eggs it cost 200k
for between 6-11 semi rare eggs it costs 100k
for between 6-11 non rare eggs it costs 50k

for 12 and up rare eggs it costs 300k
for 12 and up semi rare eggs it costs 150k
for 12 and up non rare eggs it costs 75k 

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1:22pm Jul 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,652

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1:41pm Jul 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,446
Well, I would like an egg hunter and I do profiles, but I price my profiles at 1 mil each. Now.... we could do egg hunting and TU OR you could do a few weeks worth of egg hunting for me and we could call it even (since I'm looking for Ardur currently) I'd need them in increments because I hatch for myself so I only have 3/day.


2:33pm Jul 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
Well I guess I will take the tu as of right now because I am running a little low and you wanted how many ardur eggs three a day? What ardur are you trying to hatch?

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3:04pm Jul 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,446
Oh, no, I meant profile for eggs and TU or profile for tons of eggs :p Sorry I wasn't clear.


8:08pm Jul 10 2012 (last edited on 8:09pm Jul 10 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 704
How many Ardur eggs would a Saruka egg get me?
I have no time to hunt for the eggs myself because of work.

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8:58pm Jul 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
Wolf~ Its fine and I will just want the profile done then (: how many eggs where you looking for?

Pandoryn~ As many as you would like (: 

Bolth~ What Ardurs are you trying to hatch because I have a blonde and calico ardur both for sale if you would prefer. 

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10:08pm Jul 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 704
Nah I am looking for an achro one xD I had the hatchable collection until that color came out.
Let me see how many I would need?

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11:54pm Jul 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,446
Lol, I'm also going for achro. And I still don't understand what you want to do. You said "just do the profile" but that was part of the offer in both. It was YOUR end that changed. So did you want to give me a TON of eggs or did you want to add TU?

If it's just eggs, I'd like 21 this week (at least 3 by tomorrow) and I'll tell you next Wednesday if I need another 21 (maybe Tuesday so you have enough time to hunt). I may change from only Ardur eggs to something else if I hatch what I'm going for. Hmm.... since it says 12+ is 300k, how about we say egg hunting 3 eggs a day until the end of July, so 3 weeks total :) That seems fairly reasonable right?


8:11am Jul 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
Pandoryn~ okay you can Rmail me the amount if you would like

Wolf~ I can get you the eggs however not until later in the month

Both~ Sorry to unconvinced you however I am leaving for a ten day trip to France and Spain today and will not be getting back to the U.S until the twenty second and then I will still not have access to a computer so I will probably not be able to get on till around the twenty eighth I am sorry I will try to find some eggs a little bit before I leave as well. 

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8:35am Jul 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 704
Ah well I'm sorry :( I'm gonna have to pass then. I need to hatch them all throughout the month for a chance at achro.
Thank you anyway.
Have fun on your trip to France and Spain <3

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9:33am Jul 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
Oh ok I understand and thanks I hope I do (:

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10:18am Jul 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,446
As many as you can get now would be great. After you get back, I may need to switch what egg you are looking for since the achro pet will probably change. If it changes to a more common one, well, we'll see how long I'll have to have you searching :p


2:48pm Aug 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,446
:( I made this order a while ago and I will have to cancel it as I am no longer in need of the eggs and have had no contact with you nor any eggs received.

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