o_O's showroom reduction (RW's, RWN's, & special character names)

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10:34pm Dec 15 2015 (last edited on 1:08pm Dec 19 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 346
I don't want to use up so many nice (I think they're nice) names on my rather dusty account, so I'm going to post a list of formerly not-for-sale names here so they can find new homes or circulate back into the pet market, or whatever.  If they're not on the list, then they're a pet I really want to keep, out of sentiment probably, so please don't ask.  Some I'll be giving away, some will be sold, post/mail your offers or thoughts, I intend on reducing my showroom by at least half.

P.S. I'm not quitting lol.  I "quit" many years ago, and log in occasionally to see what's new, check stocks, look for Rozi, stare at my pets etc.

*Edit: If you're making an offer, please just offer at point blank.  Sorry to be blunt about it, wish I had time to ponder price ranges and research what the name market is right now, but I don't. )=  Not trying to be rude here, just to speed up the process, thanks.

I have a few requests - I obviously can't enforce them, but I expect you to be a decent human being and try your best.
1. Don't strip names off retired CS creatu to make a profit.  Seriously.
2. Don't ask for or offer on a creatu with the intent of flipping it for a profit.  Seriously.
3. Don't let the name die on your account.  I invested a lot of time in this game, collecting tu, pets, items, etc. but by far the biggest time investment was in name collecting.  In a few cases I tried literally for years to make offers on names that I really loved until I figured out what the owner/seller would accept.  If you're gonna peace out give them to a friend or something.

Text Color Key:
SOLD [user]
FOR SALE [current highest offer]
Normal text means I'm undecided with what I'm doing with them, I still have these. [notes on offers for reference, does not mean I'm necessarily selling]

Achilles [100m TheSituation]
Aiden [Witchy]
Bloody Love
Cello [Euchre]
Chemical [150m-Blaze, 400CP-Sin]
Chivalry [200CP Sin]
Crypt [200m Stray]
Eerie [175m ]
Endor [Frank]
Flame [Billark-art, Llama-500m]
Fret [150m+art Cherry]
Gladiator [580m TheSituation]
Iron [200m Stray]
Labyrinth [150m TheSituation]
Matrix [200m Llama]
Pi [Unicorn]
Princess Love
Scheme [200CP Sin]
Thorn [Tea]
Viking [400m Llama]
Virus [300m Claptrap]

11:02pm Dec 15 2015

Normal User

Posts: 284
I would be interested in buying Gladiator and Virus at 300 mil each, just to make an initial offer? At much more I may only be able to buy one of the two but I'm especially interested in Gladiator.


1:59am Dec 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 941
Would you take art? ;o; 
I'm super interested in Flame but I've only got 80mil for now but I guess I can quickly get more when I finish my other commissions.


3:03am Dec 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,459
I'm extremely interested in Crypt and Virus, but unfortunately, I'm not that great when it comes to making offers. Do you have a base price in mind for both of them?


3:09am Dec 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 603
Ahh!!! By any chance do you have a price in mind for Aiden?
Aiden is my little brother's name. It would be so nice to have the name and tag him onto something incredible!


3:17am Dec 16 2015 (last edited on 2:30am Dec 17 2015)


Posts: 585
How much for:

 Griffin? (Will tag to my dead black Aerix)
Neon? { Will tag Lynn to the Omni and tag the name Neon to a trance Ivik
And Thorn? { Inheritance Cycle FTW <3 I'd adore to own him *o* }

I can offer Derp Ivik, a bit of pure and CP
I'd adore to own these 3 names so thank you for any of your time!

I know you said to offer but I don't want to low ball and offend on such lovely names :c


3:57am Dec 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 777
Wow theres a few names I would be interested in so guess I should make some offers.

Flame - 500mil
Viking - 400mil
Matrix - 200mil


6:22am Dec 16 2015 (last edited on 4:58am Dec 17 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 570
I'm interested in Labyrinth and Evolution o.o

Do you have any price point in mind or just offer >.>

I'm more interested in Labyrinth if the price is too high for me to buy both

Edit: I'm also interested in Foresworn :x

All names will be tagged off at some point if you'd like the pets back x3


6:49am Dec 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
I'm very interested in Chemical - got a ballpark price for it?
I'd be offering pure tu.

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

6:52am Dec 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 314
Would you take 50m for Mission?


10:24am Dec 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 783
Hi Ter!  As you know, I have been a big time name collector for years and years!  I even traded you Merlin and Midnight for a Black Liyure back when I played as Kycat1! (I would love to have those back if you ever decide to part with them!)

As for the names on your account, I want so many of them!
Here are ones I'd be interested in getting a price on:


I'd never flip a name...like your account, they'd remain on mine until I leave the game!

10:30am Dec 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 783
Subscribing. <3

10:32am Dec 16 2015 (last edited on 11:02am Dec 16 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 284
I would be interested in Crypt, Gladiator, Labyrinth and Viking :) Willing to to pay handsomely.

4:51pm Dec 16 2015 (last edited on 4:51pm Dec 16 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 606
Hello :)
I'm interested in these-

If you have a price in mind, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise I can make up an offer :) Let me know!


6:01pm Dec 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 346
Sorry if I was unclear about this, but I am actually giving some of these away.  The names with a ton of interest will probably be the ones I sell, since I can't really think of a fair way to do that, but yeah if there's a name that means something to you in some manner let me know. (rmails are totally okay)

This will take a while because I don't have a lot of spare time right now (finals lol) but I will try to have most of these creatu taken care of by Christmas.

8:44pm Dec 16 2015 (last edited on 8:45pm Dec 16 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
Hello o_O, I am interested in Pi and elven , as a collector of kioka and ezahni those two are some of the most beautiful specimens I have ever seen. I too understand the meaning behind each pet and I really do hope you don't decide to quit forever. if you are indeed to come back and want your pets back you have my word that they would be yours the very minute you asked. Thank you for the consideration and have a merry Christmas and happy holidays.

P.s. You will be missed.... <3


9:04pm Dec 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,645
Hello! o_O I remeber there were o_O apples once xD and they'd fill you up with 4 hunger xD and  I'm sad that you are deciding to leave, but I would love to have a chance either having Fret or Scheme ;v; (I will be tagging the name onto another pet so if you'd like me to either return the pets that they are on, I'd be glad to!)

 photo ._zpshjgx8mo4.gif

12:05pm Dec 17 2015

Normal User

Posts: 217
Long time no see ^.^ hope you're doing okay.

I would be really interested in Chemical, Eerie, Scheme and Thorn. If you decide to sell and have any prices in mind in the future I would love to know as I hate potentially offending people with offers x3

¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·¨)

¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·¨)

1:24pm Dec 17 2015 (last edited on 1:27pm Dec 17 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 524
How much for

Bloody Love
Princess Love



9:59pm Dec 17 2015

Normal User

Posts: 617
Sad you will be missed.
The most interesting name on your list, to me, is Megan which is the name of my best friend.  If there is a price for the name, I will like to know.

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