Hi there my names islandgirl. Now my goal is to obtain either a wyrae of any color or to obtain 300 CP. I do have other goals but these are two main ones. I do have another forum with this thread called pets for sale and trade, but I thought some people might go into more I say some of the pets I have to offer. Anyway heres the pets comment below to buy straight away, and rmail me to negotiate on prices or pets for payment. I will definatly take CP for a pet!
Oh and one last thing if a pets name has this next to it, ₩, that means im changing or planning to change the name, if your interested in the pet and it has this you should rmail me. Also if a pets color has this next to it, ~, it means Im planning to dye it or give it an effect, again rmail me if interested in that pet.
The highest or best offer wins, PLEASE dont get upset or angry if someone gets the pet you want.
this does not have a closing date, I will regularly chsnge and check this until the 24th of jan for then ill be limited onsite.
Name: Alianny ₩
Type: Uilus
Color: Blonde
Effects: None
My ballpark price: 20mill
Pets for payment: Blonde iluvu, Blonde narwi, or Blonde easero
CP for payment: 50-100cp
Name: Edish TRADED
Type: Tesuri TRADED
Color: Calico TRADED
Name: GalaxyFarAway ₩
Type: Narwi
Color: Calico
Effects: None
My ballpark price: 9mill
Pets for payment: Offer
CP for payment: 20-50cp
Name: DumaKey
Type: Narwi
Color: Trance
Effects: FrostLight
My Ballpark price: 16 or 17mill
Pets for payment: Trance iluvu,
CP for payment: 100cp
Name: Haunzel
Type: Iluvu
Color: Black
Effects: None
My ballpark price: 2mill
Pets for payment: Offer
CP for payment: 10cp or 20cp
Name: Castilia
Type: Shafue
Color: Indigo
Effects: None ~
My ballpark price: 10mill
Pets for payment: Dyed ezahni
CP for payment: 20cp
Name: AquaticTreasure ₩
Type: Tesuri
Color: Blonde
Effects: None
My ballpark price: 10mill
Pets for payment: Blonde miribilis, blonde malal, or blonde vogar
CP for payment: 50cp
Name: NamelessUilus ₩
Type: Uilus
Color: Silver
Effects: None
My ballpark price: 5mill
Pets for payment: Silver ebilia, or silver easero
CP for payment: 20cp
Name: Allysbb
Color: Silver
Effects: Undead
My ballpark price 13mill
Pets for payment: Offer
CP for payment: 50cp
Name: SpottySpiitFire SOLD
Type:Gondra SOLD
Color: Calico SOLD
Names for sale:
Christophre - Offer tu, pets or items.
Euthanasia ( to kill someone who is suffering ) - offer tu, pets or items.
Secretarial - offer tu, pets or items