Possibly selling Stardusted Natural Kioka (looking at all offers)

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1:13pm Aug 17 2012 (last edited on 1:14pm Aug 17 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 704

This Is Moradin.
He's a natural Kioka with the Stardust effect.
I am looking for offers on him.
Not sure how much I want for him but seeing how the prices on retired Csers have raised I'm probably looking for at least 90 to 100 mil for him.
Before you throw lots of pets at me know that I am EXTREMELY picky about pets.
 Chances are I will not take the pet unless it is something I desperately want.
What I WILL certainly take is as follows
Pure tu
CS items as I can't spend RL money on the cash shop :(
(Even though I would love to support Res I am too broke to IRL xD)
Offer away?

(Disclaimer: I reserve the right to decide to not sell him at any time. But I certainly will if the offer is tempting enough as I HATE being broke.)

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7:05pm Aug 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 704

Sig in progress

8:53pm Aug 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 82
100mil is too much for me, Guess I'll have to wait for the next Festival for the Star dust effect on a kioka of mine......

Finally hatched my dream creatu, an albino Liyure. Now to hatch an achro Liyure and collect all dye coloured Liyure\'s

8:58pm Aug 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 704
:/ sorry about that.

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