(natural sirleon)
hoping for 40m+
(black ebilia)
hoping for 10m+
(cream ahea)
hoping for 1m+
(STARDUSTED azure murren)
hoping for 15m+
(natural ebilia)
hoping for 5m+
(natural meiko)
hoping for 5m+
(natural mirabilis)
hoping for 2m+
(natural ardur)
hoping for 2m+
Asaru the blonde otachie
Bamu the lemon draqua
Chero the indigo mutant skaldyr
Deilos the calico jaaku
Kudrow the magenta uilus
Lyris the silver otachie
Mienno the natural mutant otachie
Ouie the black otachie
Preener the amber mutant otachie
Riere and Raught the ginger otachies
Rugiet the black vogar
Sammiah the rose otachie
Vuro the natural mutant zaphao
offer what you think is fair and i'll let you know what i think. tu only please. thanks!
no matter what the price range is i'll be willing to at least consider your offer