Ok I just realized that I have way too many pets
So I made this thread in my bed.
And wondered when people will come.
And stop the obsession of hoarding.
Pretty much I only look at the categories not for sale really often.
So I made a For Sale Category in my SR.
For you all to see
****If you want to buy a pet that can get frostlight but doesn't have it, a special extra fee would add up the price, as I have some frost light icicles from last year. If you want some ageless extracts, an extra fee will go on, depending on the amount of extracts from 1-2 depending on what stage your pet wants to be at forever.
And Also FREE PETS!!! (Limit of 2 per person)
These pets need homes. So buy them today (or the next day, or the day after that... and so on..)
Rmail if you want cause sometimes I forget I made this thread xD