10:22pm May 26 2012 (last edited on 6:18pm May 27 2012)
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Posts: 743
Good Day to you all! I hope you are on the hunt for some fine creatu and special items, because you are very much in the right place.
My name's Finchy, but I go by many names. Feel free to call me by any alias such as Astrid, Finch, Finchy, or Vesper. It may be easier to stick to the name you might know me best by, though!
In this little corner shoppe you can find a wide range of pets available for purchase or trade. I'm open to haggling and suggestions of course, and will do my best to respond to any comment or question promptly.
Please, come in and take a look at my wares and collections. Hope you find something you'll be interested in!
10:22pm May 26 2012 (last edited on 3:14pm May 29 2012)
Normal User
Posts: 743
10:22pm May 26 2012 (last edited on 3:14pm May 29 2012)
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Posts: 743
::Creatu Continued::
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------::Make an Offer::* * * * * Devio**Pandaren**Polysemous** * * * * GreyFox* * * * * Halaa* * * * * Leela** * * * * Didgeridu* *** * * * * LongweiMoxley*Noctivious* * * * * Sabrena** * * * * Schnaps* *** * * * * Serva* * * * * Sleipnor* *** * * * * Vicci*** * * * * Labeled with this color = Names from WoW (aside from GreyFox. He is from Metal Gear game stuff)** = Names I am very fond of* = RWN/RN* ** = Both fond of, and real name or names from games
10:22pm May 26 2012 (last edited on 3:35pm May 29 2012)
Normal User
Posts: 743
Hello again! I'll be here taking care of the item sales until one of my other companions can support this section for me.
Most of the items I will be selling are old retired items that still hold some value, as well as Credit Shop items, eggs, seasonal eggs or items, etc. If you would like to haggle or discuss trades, please feel free to do so, but I may want to keep these particular items strictly to pure. Surely you can understand,right? Have a look around, and if you see something you like, just give me a shout! I'll be around!
::Creatu Consumables::
(Retired) "This bean is the only item thus far that can be used on Galta and Iviks to change them to Calico"
::Creatu Eggs::
Shaefu Creatu Egg Offer (limited time)
10:23pm May 26 2012 (last edited on 6:22pm May 27 2012)
Normal User
Posts: 743
::Current Pending Offers::
6:23pm May 27 2012
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Posts: 743
Open For Business!
Feel Free to Comment, Offer, or Otherwise!
Bumps appreciated <3
6:31pm May 27 2012
Normal User
Posts: 15
Hey! I would love the Orchid Dye Kit! May I please buy it from you?
http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/robots-in-disguise-/~page/1/#post_1771140 \r\n\r\nPlease check out this fourm post! I\'m looking for Transformers names!
7:46pm May 27 2012
Normal User
Posts: 399
Ohmigoodness, I'll buy Shenanigans. :3
8:16pm May 27 2012
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Posts: 743
Haha alright. I feel like I'm giving that name up for nothing, but I really wasn't sure there was a market for it. I'm going to miss havin that name, but I'm trying my best to raise some more TU. Let me know if you can pay now, or if you need to hold him.
11:14pm May 27 2012
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Posts: 743
11:50pm May 27 2012 (last edited on 5:40pm May 28 2012)
Normal User
Posts: 314
I would like to buy Wed please. :)
EDIT: I will go ahead and send tu!
12:41pm May 28 2012
Normal User
Posts: 399
I'll pay for him now. I'll send over the monies. ^^ Thank you!
3:37pm May 28 2012
Normal User
Posts: 923
Would you do 800k for Tojee and 7 mil for Gellin?
7:31pm May 28 2012
Normal User
Posts: 400
I'll send over 8mil for the calico iluvu :)
Selling a Bunch! c: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/-name-clearout-/]
11:38pm May 28 2012
Normal User
Posts: 743
Sorry about the late replies everyone. I was really busy today and yesterday evening. I will be sending the creatu to you all who sent TU ahead of time, though as a note for others, please wait to send TU until you have a confirmation from me! If bad luck comes my way and I cannot get on Res, I don't want to rob anyone of their TU under circumstances!
But thank you for the initiative >w< Sending them now!
I will consider that offer. Perhaps could you bump it up to 8.5m on the skaldyr or toss in somethin nice? If you want to discuss it you can rmail me, but, I do still like your offer. I will give it thought overnight and get back with you asap.
11:43pm May 28 2012
Normal User
Posts: 743
You have sent your creatu Chazzy to autumnleaves. You have sent your creatu Shenanigans to Winterlove. You have sent your creatu Wed to Ganymede. All taken care of! Many thanks to all of you <3
12:55am May 29 2012
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Posts: 2,403
trade the calico bean for a calico drindin?
11:29am May 29 2012
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Posts: 743
No I'm afraid I'm not looking for much of an offer on that bean. If I do take a pet or item for it it's gotta be somethin reeeeaaaalllll good or something I have been wanting a while. Sorry! :C
3:13pm May 29 2012
Normal User
Posts: 743
You have sent your creatu Gellin to Ram. You have sent your creatu Tojee to Ram. All sent Ram! Thank you <3
3:32pm May 29 2012
Posts: 3,216
how many shaefu eggs do you have? :)