Selling alots of foods

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9:45am Feb 17 2013 (last edited on 10:04am Feb 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 154
Bubblegum Ice Cream Cone  x12
1500 TU each

Carrot  x11
1000 TU each

Grape Grub Lollipop  x10
1600 TU each

Grape Juice Bottle  x11
1000 TU each

Hot Dog With Ketchup  x9
1200 TU each

Raspberry Eclair  x5
1300 TU each

bacon  x10
3500 TU each

Blue Water Bottle  x11
1000 TU each

Cheese Pizza  x12
35000 TU each

Maple Walnut Ice Cream Cone  x12
1000 TU each

pancakes  x11
2500 TU each

Strawberry Kiwi Snow cone  x10
1000 TU each

Tropical Blossom  x10
1500 TU each

Tropical Sky  x8
1000 TU each

If you would like to buy some of this food then post below and i'll respond as soon as i can

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