Hey there guys and gals! <3
Welcome to this so very epic forum, dedicated to Euchre's goal of a magnificent Black Liyure.
SO I, iridescent, and euchre, as well as some other awesome sponsors, are raising money to get euchre his black liyure. ALL help is greatly appreciated!! :O I hope to get this goal done...well.Within the year atleast. O.o
The pets for sale here are a mixture of Euchre and my pets. Please rmail the either one of us if interested in these pets? :)
Anyways, i digress. Lets get on to the special items of notice shall we? :)
Euchre's pets/stuff are bold in Blue
My (iridescent) Pets/stuff are bold in Green.
Just so you know whos selling what, etc. ^^
Oh and by the way, Pets are on the second post now because there were too many items and pets to post on one page. Sorry!
OH Btw, I will accept, in forms of payment, the following list of items
Liyure eggs(please.)
Black/Albino CS pets (yeaaahh right)
Omni eggs
Kioka eggs
CS Eggs
Galta eggs
High colored pets
Or some other stuff, just mail me! :)
Special thanks for epic doners
Special thanks to Jesslovesluke07 for donating a calico Zaphao, a blonde otachie, and 400k! <3
Wendla for a Blonde Aukira
The Stuff for Sale

Ivik egg: SOLD!! :O
x5 Narwi Eggs:10mill
Berrok Morphing Potion: 100mill, Might haggle down to 90mill.
Curse of the Undead: 10mill
Starglass Urn: 10mill
Frost Light Icicles(7 in stock ATM): 1.5mill Each Or buy all for 9mill
Reiflem Sword: 10mil

Achromatic Mutant Veram Tails: 10mill, may haggle
Natural Omni Ribbon Mask: 15mill

Beastly Chest Piece and Face Mask15mill Each
Natural Easero Wings: 5mill
Silver Easero Wings: 5mill as well
Ice Narwi Crown: 4mill, may haggle
Ice Ulius Wings x2: 3mill Each
Trance Rave wig: 5mill
Fake Vogar Teeth: 1mill