Selling: Black CS pet(s), Names such as: Berry, and CS items!

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11:24am May 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 333

Can I have price and names for the following pets?

 photo liyu.png

11:46am May 20 2012 (last edited on 11:48am May 20 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 436

Black Cyid- 125mil
Albino Veram- 45mil *It's 700 days old*
Indigo Cyid- 9 mil

so wao

11:51am May 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 771
How much for:



11:59am May 20 2012 (last edited on 12:00pm May 20 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 436

Natural Haberisar(Ziranna)- 2.2mil
Natural Ivik- 20mil
Uldavian Ivik- 30mil
Natural Narwi- 1.5mil
Natural Quelis- 100k

so wao

12:05pm May 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 771
Could I have the Narwi & Quelis? & could you zap them to babies? :3
Sending 1.6mil


12:16pm May 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 436
thank you! :)

so wao

12:20pm May 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 771
No, thank you! Good luck selling!!


2:05pm May 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 333

do you take items?

 photo liyu.png

4:35pm May 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 436
Depends on the items. :)

so wao

4:36pm May 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 333

RSTU001 egg bauble?

Worth 25mil?

 photo liyu.png

4:37pm May 20 2012 (last edited on 4:37pm May 20 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 436
Nah. I like CS items.

so wao

8:33am May 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 436

so wao

8:56am May 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 226

Hello, hello, I'm back, how much is Dionysius? Just so I can figure out how much I need to save up. ahah. /shot 


9:17am May 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 436
maybe, hm, 3mil? :3

so wao

9:19am May 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 226

Okayokay, I have about two mil now, and I can probably scrounge up a mil in a week? ^^ Would you be able to hold him for me until I get the tu?


9:23am May 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 436
I think I could just sell him for 2 if that's alright with you. :3

so wao

9:37am May 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 226

Oh YES, that would be perfect. ahah. ^^ Though sadly, I have 1.8 mil now, but but but, I'll have two by tomorrow, if you're willing to wait a day? Sorry about that~ /shot


11:31am May 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 436
That's fine with me :)

so wao

4:07pm May 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 754
Hi, er, sorry, just clearing things up, are the omni's still 35mil? Because I saw you later price them at fifty a little while ago when I was still thinking that you'd be selling them at 35mil. o.o"

Always on the lookout for ardurs!

4:45pm May 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 436
I think 35mil is too low now, I only went that low since there was another omni on the market for 33mil. Now there's none for that cheap.. And considering I bought my omni's at about 40mil each doesn't really help me much at all to sell for 35mil.
It's absolutely understandable if you are no longer interested in buying one. The lowest I could go is at least 45mil, since I stil need somewhat of a profit.

so wao
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