Woo. The clearing of my showroom continues.
I wish to sell almost all my pets, I've been hoarding these poor suckas for years.
First up:
Name: Greyblue
I love Iviks, but I do not like Calico Iviks. I'm looking to sell her for a good offer.
I will accept pure tu, or an offer of another Ivik (sepia or natural, or dyed) + tu.
I'll sell her cheap, so I'm looking for around 70mil persay. Or another Ivik and 10mil.
I am also selling other Calicos:
Nerdfang, Sleighbell, and Weirdos respectively.
Also some other misc creatus I got heres.
They are all well-named, some of them real word, and base price is 5mil each. Check out my showroom for their names.
I also have a bunch of real word names in my showroom. Check them out if interested.
I am very open to haggling, and offers. Happy buying.