Hi people of Rescreatu,
I have been absent for a couple of years, but want to pick up again. Since I am trying to fulfill as many kir quests as I can I am in need of more tu.
Therefore I will be selling off some of the items I have in stock. The items I will be selling are listed bellow. You can make an offer. I will accept offers in tu, jelly beans or colored sylesti, as long as the value is fair.


Zaphao Stocking, Wyrae Stocking
Snow Blower, Rave Item Pack
Quelis Stocking, Noctis Stocking
Kurrabi Stocking, Iluvu stocking, Berrok Stocking


Atquati Goody Bag 2014, Aerix Stocking
Beastly Chest Piece, Beastly Ears, Beastly Maks, Beastly Paws, Beastly Tail
Beastly Claws
Curse of the Undead (x4)