~Icalasari's Sales~
Hey there, I'm currently trying to get an Albino Sirleon to feed to Kir, and I have some Curse of the Undead and some pets, so I figure I'll open up a thread for this and update whenever I have new stuff in
tle="" href="http://www.rescreatu.com/ranchershop/?u=58388">Rancher shop![Cream Sirleon](http://images.rescreatu.com/pets/9//cream/baby.png)
Name: GreatOzymandias
Colour: Cream
Species and Gender: Sirleon (Female)
Name Origin: The Great Ozymandias. The name comes from a poem
Price: 5 Million Tu (5,000,000 Tu)
Haggable: Yes
Justification: This price tag is, admittedly, purely due to the name. I find it quite a nice name, myself, but others may not. So this is one of the haggable prices here
Items I have to sell through the chat or forums, as I do not have a store
Item: Curse of the Undead
Price: 6 Million Tu (6,000,000 Tu). 5 Million Tu (5,000,000 Tu) with proof of purchase of a pet
Justification: YOU try finding a price cheaper than this for these
![All Natural Potion](http://images.rescreatu.com/items/all/naturalkit.png)
Item: All Natural Potion
Price: 50,000 Tu
Justification: Because HAHAHAHAHA HATE IT when people sell relatively cheap things for millions of Tu