Selling dyed/effected pets and a couple names

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1:42pm Mar 2 2013 (last edited on 3:16pm Mar 7 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 675
I have a lot of dyed and effected pets I don't want anymore. 

Here they are.

All prices are rough estimates and can be haggled on greatly. Just make an offer. 

Pets in red are on hold. 

60 [magenta Roditore] 3.3mil
Agyei [amber mutant Roditore] 2.5mil
Ailun [amber frost light Aukira] 3mil
Erainn [rose Ebilia] 7mil
Faiyt [amber Zenirix] 2.2mil
Fishh [rose Cyid] 10mil?
Ghaara [magenta Valabex] 3.3mil
GuyCecil [lemon Meiko] 3mil
Hardworking [orchid Sirleon]
Jerrimiah [magenta Easero] 3.5mil
Jistereon [mutant lemon Roditore] 3.2mil
Joiy [amber star dust Iluvu] 4mil?
Kahji [rose Aerix] *iffy on selling, need a great offer*
Kariia [indigo mutant Zaphao] 6mil
Kaye [amber Berrok] 2.2mil
Kratoz [rose undead Ardur] 8mil
Maiua [lemon Roditore] 3mil
Marlise [lemon mutant Otachie] 5mil because of name
NanKuruNaiSah [amber Narwi] * the name is from Blood+, it is a saying that is said all the time. I am a little iffy on selling this one too.* 5mil?
Oddler [azure Meiko] 3mil?
Phiyero [amber Veram] 3mil because of name
Raala [magenta Aukira] 3.3mil
Rayzah [indigo Roditore] 6mil
Rigaldo [lime Saruka] *name is from Claymore (an anime)* 8mil?
Tumbi [lime easero, is star dusted] 6mil?
Vihc [orchid Otachie] 3mil?

Ailun [frost light, amber Aukira] 3mil?
AlTheCourageous [stardust valabez] 1mil
BeatricePrior [stardusted ARDUR] 1mil
CatchingFire [stardust miribilis] 20mil
Collassal [black frost light vogar] 1.5mil
Contrapositive [sepia frost light aukira] 1mil
Dustystar [star dust drindian] 1mil
Flaithri [blonde star dust berrok] 3mil
Hairas [frost light paor] 1mil
Joiy [star dust amber Iluvu] 4mil?
Kimlasca [ginger star dust skaldyr] 2mil
Kyky [sepia star dust draqua] 1mil
Lomman [star dust gondra] 1mil
Misterfeatherr [star dust aukira] 1mil
Nellyc [star dust malal] 1mil
Piggeh [star dust ahea] 1mil
Pouncepaw [star dust otachie] 1mil
Shinepaw [star dust skaldyr] 1mil
Silvermaple [silver star dust berrok] 5mil?
Tawnyfoot [star dust Roditore] 1mil
Tumbi [lime star dust easero] 6mil?

BTR [sepia zaphao, shortened form of the band Big Time Rush] 1mil?
CatchingFire [star dust Mirabiliis, the second book in THG trilogy] 20mil?
Chickensmoothie [name of a game. Natural Kayoki] 1mil?
Croy [natural Kayoki. From the Uglies series.] 2mil?
Hardworking [orchid Sirleon. RWN.] 2mil?
Onos [alien on Natural Selection. Natural Myotis] 3mil?
PlainWhiteTs [natural otachie. is a band.] 1mil?
Rigaldo [lime Saruka. From Claymore.] 8mil?
SariasSong [black Mirabilis. From Zelda.] 500k?
Selim [natural Zenirix. Iffy on selling. From Fullmetal Alchemist.] 10mil?
Ukiki [sepia Meiko. From Mario games.] 8mil?

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1:42pm Mar 2 2013 (last edited on 1:46pm Mar 2 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 675
Dye Kits [mostly amber, rose, indigo, random, or trance potions]
Achromatic Murren
Maybe other pets
NO items other than dye kits or CS items
Credits/cash points

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4:23pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

Would you do 2mil on EndersGame? And 6mil on Kakazu?


5:33pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 675
Sure, that sounds reasonable :3 I'll send over the pets. 

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5:34pm Mar 2 2013

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Posts: 1,367

TU sent. Thank you!


5:34pm Mar 2 2013

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Posts: 1,673

BeatricePrior [stardusted Berrok] 1mil

This is a present for my sister Coolicepups

Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them

5:37pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,673

Fliathri [blonde star dust berrok] 3mil may you hold?

Along with: Icepath [stardust berrok] 1mil,Whispir [star dust berrok] 1mil,

Kaye [amber Berrok] 2.2mil

may you please hold these? These are for my sister Coolicepups.



Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them

7:43pm Mar 2 2013 (last edited on 7:44pm Mar 2 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 930
Could I buy the three frost light Zaphaos for 3m?
Bubbsia, ElectricalCord, and Electriceye.
And also, Icepath the frost-light berrok for 1m too?
4m total. :D
[e] I didn't notice she asked for Icepath already. Whoops! Could I buy Whitesong instead of Icepath?


8:06pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 675
Moe, of course :3 I'll send the pets over. EDIT: I didn't realize when I wrote this down I mixed up ElectricalCord, who is actually cream frost light. I'll still send him over anyway, just let me know if you don't want hum. 

Cinder: I am a little hesitant to hold anything, because half the time the people back down. How long would I be holding them? And I'll send BeatricePrior when I get the tu, because I am unsure if you wanted me to hold that one too or send it right away xP Let me know. 

Oh, and I made a mistake when I wrote down Whispir. She's an Iluvu, not a Berrok. I am rechecking to make sure I didn't make a mistake on the others either... 

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8:11pm Mar 2 2013

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Posts: 675
;_; I am so dumb. BeatricePrior is an Ardur. I am not sure why I was writing down Berrok for so much because I swear I had Ardur down for her... 

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8:20pm Mar 2 2013

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Posts: 1,673

I can afford the Iluvu and the Berrok. Will send 2 mil right now!

Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them

10:47pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 207
would u do 20mil for the ivik?

7:18pm Mar 6 2013

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Posts: 675
Sorry for the delay, everyone. I've been away at various things... 

Winged: Yes, that would be fine with me :3 I'll send her when I get the tu. 

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4:32pm Mar 8 2013

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Posts: 675

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6:46am Mar 9 2013

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Posts: 1,058
Take 3mil for Joiy?
\r\n \r\n

1:24pm Mar 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 675
Sure, that sounds fair. I'll send her over when I get the tu c:

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