Kurrabi Bunny Suit (x 3)
Easero Chicken Suit (x 3)
If you didn't get a chance to get them,
i got many stored away.
15-20mil a pop.
or maybe you can trade me pets.
i am selling Iluvu ears and tails.
I gots all of them too.
Black Iluvu Ears (x 1)
Black Iluvu Tail (x 1)
Albino Iluvu Ears (x 1)
Albino Iluvu Tail (x 1)
Natural Iluvu Ears (x 1)
Natural Iluvu Tail (x 1)
If you are curious as-to which pets i might like..
or any trades.
I am looking for aerix,noctis,ezhani,and maybe sakura.
I also like bino gondras and bino draquas,
and achros of them too.
If dye kit pets..
I am looking for dyed mutants,
expecially seasonals.
if items...
I am looking for natural drachid pendant,
black cyid dress,
attack jack-o-lanturn,
pumpkin pot,
rose dye kits,
indigo dye kits,
or any creatu gift boxes.
In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!