Selling food (apples, fish, 100k doughnuts, jelly beans)

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3:11pm Apr 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 41
  • 1 100k doughnuts, 2 14brokenmirrors staff apple, 9 achromatic apple, 8 apple of doom, 11 apple of love, 5 blueberry dream jelly beans, 13 crowflux staff apple, 4 fizzeh staff apple, 1 gold fish, 6 green apple, 7 gunmetal staff apple, 8 juicy green apple, 4 juicy red apple, 3 juicy red apple, 8 kiraraneko staff apple, 5 lumpy apple, 5 lucious lime jelly beans, 1 mud mollusk, 3 mutating green apple, 3 orange cream jelly beans, 1 paor fish, 8 pie apple, 4 pixie apple, 14 red apple, 2 red hot jelly beans, 1 rock fish, 2 sensational strawberry jelly beans, 7 smashed apple, 3 sour lemon jelly beans, 4 tiny green apples, 9 tiny pink apples, 9 tri colored apples, 9 vampire apple, 4 wild grape jelly beans, 9 wolfspirit25 staff apple, 12 deer oh staff apple, 6 yellow apple.                       Will take average market price, open for haggling.

It\'s true some days are dark and lonely, And maybe you feel sad! But Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn\'t that bad. There is one thing that makes me happy, and makes my whole life worthwhile! And that\'s when I talk to my friends and get them to SMILE~!
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