Will take offers.
Autobuy on the above names are as follows:
Rat - 150mil
lick my click - 200mil
Oil - 150mil
Will take offers.
Rat is a double. It is on an albino Chimby.
lick my click is a glitch name. It is on an albino Uilus.
Oil is on Ginger Chimby w/ undead effect.
The following names are all located in my rancher shop.
Also selling:
AMD - 500k
Blackfish - 1mil
Chagum - 5mil
Dwane - 5mil
Grulla - 1mil
Lawfully - 15m (Trance undead valabex)
Mishamigo - offer lol?
Monitor - 25mil
Nattie - 50mil
Rosyboa - 5mil
Sealion - 10mil
Shipping - 15mil
Staghorn - 5mil
Tanktop - 5mil
Tanline - 5mil
Timneh - 15mil
Voter - 5mil
Dye Kits
CS eggs
Albino, Calico, Achromatic pets
CS items
Retired CS pets
Colored CS