=/ tell u what.. ill come back when i can afford to spend the tu? and then ill buy for 4mil or something cus i really cant be spending too much tu right now and i really wanted tu for eilia
Um...-looks through pets, sighs- I dont know what I could offer other than nattie cs pets...and mutants. I also have the name Almost...but other than that I dont know what else to offer :/
Yes this may be stupid -havent been on Res for a while..- but what are the names of the Urns and their uses ? XD I guess that I'd like to buy them if theyre what I thinK theyre for :3
So far there's the Silver Stardust urns, which give the stardust effect to all Scria pets, and the Gold Stardust urns, which gives the stardust effect to all pets except Uldavian =3 The Gold urn will be more expensive since its a CS item