6:49pm Jun 6 2013 (last edited on 7:52pm Jun 6 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 342
I'm Selling My Rancher, Showroom, And Profile Pets!!! I have a goal of 100mil So I'm gonna try hard to Sell, sell, sell!
I Can write you a story about whatever you want!!!
We will discus the Price when its done!
Thank you!!!!!
 My baby Leggersnoot made by Keith.
8:06pm Jun 6 2013 (last edited on 3:26pm Jun 12 2013)
8:15pm Jun 6 2013 (last edited on 3:27pm Jun 12 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 342
A Story START Example!! (I cant post a link because its on my website and you name a account to view it)
I'm a Warrior Cats fan so Here it is!!!
Silverkit awoke in the nursery and stretched. She looked at all of the other kits, they were all still asleep. Silverkit started to walk towards the entrance when she stepped
on Lilyheart's tail. "Ouch! Watch where you are going!" She growled.
"I'm Sorry Lilyheart!" Silverkit mewed and ran out of the den quickly.
Lilyheart Grunted and went back to sleep. Silverkit looked around camp,
some warriors were up talking quietly and eat and early meal before the
day starts. "Hello Silverkit!" Their Whiskerstar mewed deeply.
"Hi....Whiskerstar!" Silverkit mewed and dipped her head. "May I go see
my brother?" She whispered. He nodded. Silverkit brother Fawnkit was
very sick with white cough and it was only getting worse. "Can I go see
him?" She whispered. He nodded she raced over to the Medicine Cat's Cave
as Grayfeather came out. "How is Fawwnkit?" Silverkit prompted.
Greyfeather looked at her and sighed with a big frown. "H-h-he-he's
gone..." She stuttered. It felt like a thorn pierced her heart. "May I
go see him?" She mewed trying not to cry. Greyfeather nodded and lead
her to her brother in the Med. Cat's cave. She saw her brother laying in
the middle not moving. Silverkit gasped and ran over to him. "Fawnkit?
You can't be gone!" She cried. She rested her head on top of his cold
The clan gathered for the vigil of Fawnkit's death. "I'm
sorry it was out of control i couldn't stop it....." Greyfeather
confessed. She shook her head. "He was my only sibling now i have no
one!" She cried. Her mother had died giving birth to Silverkit and her
brother so she never got to meet her. Their foster mother was Greenclaw
but she moved to the elders den, Now that we didn't need to suckle.
Tomorrow Silverkit and her brother we going to become apprentices, but
Silverkit didn't care if she died right there. She needed her brother
their father doesn't care about Silverkit only Fawnkit.
 My baby Leggersnoot made by Keith.