Selling RWNs and Cool Stuff: Help me get my Ivik eggs!

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6:45pm Apr 29 2017 (last edited on 4:27pm Apr 30 2017)


Posts: 84
Yup. Just as the ti
tle says, I'm looking to sell some awesome stuff in order to fund my Kir hunt - I'm aiming for Ivik eggs this time around!

I'll list everything I'm selling below. Shoot me an rMail if you see anything you want!


Beginner - PREHISTORIC (+ 361 days old) - 70 mil - SOLD

Baffle - 55 mil - SOLD

Nosedive - 45 mil

Regenerate - SOLD

Lambeth - 135 mil - will need this one's name back - ON HOLD

Aloyoshenka - 155 mil


Mistletoesies - 250 mil - SOLD

Other Stuff:

Nightmare Forest: Tales of the Drachid - 30 mil

Jaaku Spirit - 35 mil

Jade Stardust Gown - 40 mil

Oh, and one more thing...

I might,MIGHT, sell my ageless teen achro Noctis. However, if I do decide to part with him, I certainly won't part with his name.

Thanks, everyone! Like I said, rmail me if there's anything you want!

9:04pm Apr 29 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1
i would like to purchase the jade star dust gown please
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