hi! so i am trying to raise tu to buy ezahni! it's my goal to become the #1 Ezahni Collector. i am very very broke right now and so am looking to sell my showroom pets! obviously i am not looking to sell any ezahni but pretty much everything else is fair game! i will be looking for really good prices on pets in my Raritiez section, though, as they are the ones i am least likely to part with. please feel free to browse my showroom and let me know if there is anything you are interested in!
listed below are the pets i am most desperate to sell:
Undead Sepia Meiko (M) - Fipliod
Ginger Otachie (F) - Chlue
Lime Zenirix (M) - PuppyFern
Natural Iluvu (F) - Illexia
Ginger Meragon (M) - Villai
thank you for taking a look even if nothing interested you. happy holidays! :)