Selling some stuff

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7:41am Nov 15 2014 (last edited on 11:35am Nov 16 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,752
Yep, I couldn't come up with a better ti
tle. Anyways I'm selling some stuff from my inventory. The prices listed are lower than the lowest prices in shops but since some of those prices are kind of high feel free to haggle. Any price can be haggled, just tell me what item you are interested in.

Thank You!

Winter berrok squishy- 6.5 mil tu
Jaaku lantern- 17 mil tu
Sprinkling bottle- 45 mil tu
Winter jaaku squishy- 25 mil tu
Winter galta squishy- 3.5 mil tu
Winter otachie squishy- 7 mil tu
Aerix candy cane- 1.5 mil tu
Berrok candy cane- 2 mil tu
Otachie candy cane- 17 mil tu
Uilus candy cane- 1 mil tu
Zaphao candy cane- 5 mil tu
Aerix egg bauble- 1 mil tu
Berrok egg bauble- 1 mil tu
Galta egg bauble (2)- 5 mil
Gondra egg bauble (2)- 5 mil
Jaaku egg bauble (2)- 350,000 tu
RSTU001 egg bauble (2)- 6 mil
Uilus egg bauble- 500,000 tu
Zaphao egg bauble- 6 mil

Edit- putting sprinkling bottle and jaaku lantern up for auction

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