Selling: Training Services

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11:06am Dec 15 2023 (last edited on 12:28pm May 16 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 18
reiflem swordstardust mirabilis

Bird's Training Services

Ever wanted a pet to come back from treasure hunting with more than 1 measly RC? Does Harlow's Quest make you want to rip your hair out? Are you forgetful, and leave your pet languishing in the training grounds for days at a time? Have no fear - Bird is here for all your training needs! 

You provide the pet, I provide the training tokens and training. Training takes fifteen days per +1 in Treasure Hunting. Payment can be provided upfront, or upon completion of training services. See below for pricing. Any further inquiries may be made via this thread or through RMail!

150mil TU/50CP per +1 in Treasure Hunting
Price reduced by 300kTU per training token provided

Testimonials From Past Clients
"I absolutely recommend birdstheword's training services!! It only took two months for my Creatu Deerberries to go from +6 to +10, and it was absolutely worth it! I was kept up to date on his progress and he was very well cared for. I think the price was absolutely spot on, especially considering I didn't have to provide any training tokens! I am very much considering hiring them again to get Deerberries up to +15" - Avedori

Current Slots
1. Buzzard (Katana)
2. Jay (Realtra)

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open

Feel free to RMail me or grab me in the shoutbox with any questions/comments/concerns.

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