Selling Unamed Non-Natch Colors

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3:01am Feb 13 2015 (last edited on 5:36pm Feb 17 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 5
I still have a hand full of natural prehistoric pets if anyone is interested
I havent been on the site since 2008-2009 so im old new. Also all of my pets died :'''')
So I decided to start fresh but I have a few non-natural colored pets in the graveyard that will have to be renamed.

So idk how much interest this will get but I really wanna sell them since I don't have the funds to resurrect them and i feel bad leaving them there.

What i'm offering is:
The chance to name the pet + the chance it will be undead.
(Send wanted name over RM and make sure its untaken)

What I want
~800k for a resurrection potion (or if you have one to send me i can waive that) since I only have like 80k TU.
Whatever you think is fair on top of that or a Trade of some kind. Mostly want to give them homes.
(I have no good sense of pricing outside of the search;;;)

 They are all prehistoric too. I dont think that means they are worth more at all? (if someone cold tell me)
You will get the pet still if its undead since you pay for the resurrection and its your name! 

Heres what I have:
 the sepia ahea is taken


7:55am Feb 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 69
I don't quite understand the whole "prehistoric" thing either and how much they are really worth but I how that the price goes up a lot on them!  I can currently do a mil and some res potions ( have so many! ) if you wanted but I am currently broke tu wise XD. 

um... hi?

5:08pm Feb 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Prehistoric Pets came around after the rollover to V2 I believe :o During the rollover a glitch occurred that pet birthdates were lost, but we kept the glitch bc I think many liked it xDD idk


11:17pm Feb 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 5
Ah thats good to know!


That sounds great to me. Which pet were you looking at?

4:17am Feb 14 2015

Normal User

Posts: 606
Hey Pluvia, welcome back :)

I think I've seen prehistorics go for around 3 to 15mil recently depending on the pet/colour. (of course if they are albino/blonde/calico that would be more) If that helps at all?

I'd like to offer 5mil on the ahea, if Gatara doesn't want to take that one ^^


6:01pm Feb 15 2015

Normal User

Posts: 69
I'd like the Zenirix if that'll be ok with you.  how many potions did you want, excluding the one needed for resurrection of course :P

um... hi?

10:14pm Feb 16 2015

Normal User

Posts: 5
Hye sorry I had a busy weekend. 

Zaefyra - Thats sounds great! If you wanna rm me with the name? and w/e your doing for the potion part. If your still interested! 

Gatara - uhhhh do you think 3 is fair?

10:57am Feb 17 2015 (last edited on 10:58am Feb 17 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 69
I think your short changing yourself according to Zae, so I want to counter offer with 5 :) I'll Send the Mil plus the potions now.  If you could name it Erane or Srane that would be awesome!

um... hi?

11:13am Feb 17 2015

Normal User

Posts: 218
I'm guessing the Meiko isn't taken?
I'd offer 5mil, and I have a Res potion
As for a name, how about Ariaen?


3:44pm Feb 17 2015

Normal User

Posts: 5

Ahhhhh Okami name and sig is really cute! And yeah the Meiko is available! If you sent the things then I can send her over.

4:16pm Feb 17 2015

Normal User

Posts: 218
KK, thanks! & sending now. I just wanted to wait for a reply before I sent everything XD


4:37pm Feb 17 2015

Normal User

Posts: 5

5:10pm Feb 17 2015

Normal User

Posts: 606
Hey :) Yeah I'll send a potion! I'll get a name and RM you!


5:59pm Feb 17 2015

Normal User

Posts: 69
Thanks (#.#)/

um... hi?
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