Silvers Archeid Adopts

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2:18pm Oct 6 2014 (last edited on 2:09pm Oct 7 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 520
You are climbing in the remote mountains of Tanzania when you stumble upon a cave. Inside you find a nest with 5 multicolored eggs in it. Before you can investigate further, you are shoved away from the nest by a very large bird. You barely come up to her chest feathers, you estimate that she is approximately 7 feet tall (A little over 2 meters). You start to back away slowly so as not to get scalped by her razor sharp beak or talons, but after regarding you for a moment, she speaks!

"You have interest in my eggs?" 
she blinks slowly as you measure up your situation and then answer 
"They are pretty."
She laughs at your response
"I seem to have more than I can take care of at the moment, if you would like, you can have one."
She steps to the side a bit so that you can see the eggs again. There are five ostrich-sized eggs sitting in a nest. No two are the same.

Do you choose one? Or run away screaming?

Welcome to Archeid adoption center!

Archeid is a draconic bird species that roam distant mountain ranges and are often mistaken for dragons due to their large size. Archeid can reach up to 8 feet tall (2.5 meters), with a wingspan of roughly 16 feet (about 5 meters). Their tail plumes average 2 1/2 feet (just under 1 meter) and size and color dictate the rank in their flocks. The longer and brighter they are, the higher rank they have. Ketaa (MY Archeid) is an alpha female. Males do not differ in size from the females, the only visual difference is a second beak horn that is higher and longer than the one that the females have. They are an omnivorous species, so they will eat both plant life and meat.

There is always one clutch of five eggs a month, which hatch within a week. Then from adolescent stage, it takes another week to grow to full stature. There are some growth supplements you can purchase to have them grow faster. The adolescents are usually about 2 feet tall (about 1/2 of a meter).

Egg Price: 5 mil per egg
When you buy an egg, I will start working on the patterning on your chick. You will have no say in what the outcome is, you just have to wait and see. (Hint: The eggs slightly foreshadow what the chick and adult will look like.)

Items you can purchase for your Archieds
Growing Supplement: This will speed up the growing process from chick to adult. Price: 3 mil
Breeding Token: You pick another Archied to breed with (BOTH OWNERS MUST AGREE!) and when the breeding is done you get a clutch of 2-3 eggs. Which hatch and mature in the same time as the others. Price: 3 mil
Gender swap: If you were hoping for one gender and got a different one, you can purchase this, and I will make the necessary adjustments. Price: 500K
Color Scheme Change: If you are unhappy with your Archieds colors, you can buy this nifty little thing. It will not change the pattern/design at all, but the colors will be mixed up. Price: 5 mil

((ATTENTION: This is the first time I have ever done an adopt like this, if I have done anything in a weird way, I would LOVE some constructive criticism!))


2:18pm Oct 6 2014 (last edited on 2:22pm Oct 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 520

-You are not allowed to sell your Archied anywhere. If you no longer want it, I will buy it back for half of what you paid for it. (I spent time to create it, I have to make some TU)
-DO NOT CREATE YOUR OWN OFFSHOOT OF ARCHIEDS! I spent a long time trying to get these guys just right, and I dont want that to be ruined because someone decided to steal my idea.
-You may purchase art of your character, but please link back to this thread so that if they want one of their own, they can adopt one.
I reserve the right to add more rules as I see fit.


2:18pm Oct 6 2014 (last edited on 2:23pm Oct 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 520
Re-adoption center

This is where Archieds that have been relinquished by their owners come to find new homes.
re-Adoption price: 1 mil

None yet :)


2:18pm Oct 6 2014 (last edited on 2:24pm Oct 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 520
Roll Play!!

When I sell enough Archeids, I will put up a RP so that you have something to do with your beasts :D


2:19pm Oct 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 520


2:19pm Oct 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 520

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