Normal User 
Posts: 30
As the ti tle says..I'm trading staff apples for pie apples. I just need to make some pies ;-; Last years pie event required the juicy variant of apples, so I was pretty unprepared this year. I will be trading 2 of any kind of staff apple per pie apple of any color.
Here's what I have available: Cless x4 Crowflux x48 Dan x1 deedlitmon x6 Honeybee x50 Jess x1 Llama x6 Owl x3 Pegasus x2 Phos x2 Rika x3 Schemes x1 Shark x1 Sin x1 Steampunk x45 Sugar x3 Tea x3 Tiberius x2 Titanium x6 wolfspirit25 x1 xeeroh x1 Zen x12
Here's what I'm looking for: Yellow Apple Red Apple Green Apple
I will trade 2 staff apples per pie crust as well.