Summer Clear Out

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4:23am May 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 340
Summer Clear Out

Now willing to consider inquires about my showroom pets.

If I have a name you have had your eye on for a while,
maybe even asked me about it and I turned you down,
well here is your chance to inquire about it again.

There are several conditions to this however.

Firstly this only concerns my showroom pets, not those on my profile.
Secondly, I have the right to decline to part with any pet to any person.
So please, if I decline you please don't push it any further even if you think its unfair.
Do not beg or whine about pets because that wont get you anywhere.
Yes I may choose to part with a pet to a person I know and am friends with over a person I don't really know.
Or I may just not wish to part with the pet in question.
Its my personal decision and I am allowed to do it however I want.
I also wont be listing here pets I am willing to part with. Likely I wont know which until I am asked about them.
Also do not ask me for a pet if you only want it to resell or give to Kir.
I am mostly doing this for people who are going to actually appreciate the pet.


6:09am May 29 2014 (last edited on 7:29am May 30 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 120
I would be interested in the folowing pets/Names: Dragonite, Gummi, Ninetails, Pichu and Rikku. :3
I don't know if you'd be willing to sell the pets or their names but I would provide Name tags if so. :)

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars... ♥

4:12pm May 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 392
would you be willing to sell Lulu or Zoon


5:26pm May 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 749
I'm interested in the following, though not sure if you'd part with them or how much you'd expect to be offered:



6:39pm May 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 314
Hello! I am very interested in purchasing Terra and/or UFO, as I collect astronomy/space names. (I'm more interested in Terra.) Would you be willing to part with either of them? I can offer pure tu.


8:54pm May 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783
Hi Zuzu...I'm very interested in the names Rude and Disk.  I realize that I would likely need to provide a tag for Disk and I'm happy to do that.

10:05am May 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 858
I am interested in Oki for sentimental reasons. I'm also interested in Tansy. I'd be willing to provide tags if needed. I can pay in pure.

3:23pm May 30 2014

Normal User

Posts: 579
Very interested on Rikku, Pichu, Lulu, Moogle, Rude, Seifer, Selphie, Terra, Ultima, Xemnas, Vivi, Yuna, Yunalesca, and Nana. Particularly Rikku and Yuna. I do have quite a lot of pure tu at the moment if yyou'd consider parting with them :)


1:06am May 31 2014 (last edited on 8:15am May 31 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 19
Lulu's name gives her a value a lot more than I could afford even though I've been after a nattie Jahra for a while. 

I'd have to enquire about Natsumi/Matsumi, even if I'm a bit shaky on values. I had another offer but since I just traded it away, would you be at all interested in the name Les (I'm sorry if that's a terrible under offer)? If not, I completely understand, they are perfect together. I just had to ask if you were interested in parting with either of them at all. :)

Otherwise, would you be willing to part with Hayabusa? If so, what would you be looking for?

4:14am May 31 2014 (last edited on 9:19pm May 31 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 432
Never mind.

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