Hello, my name is Praxton, I'm not for sale but a bunch of other cool stuff is! This is Isaac's wicked cool sale thread, he's trying to save up money to buy some Galta eggs, An Omni egg or a Wyrae! If you could help him out I'm sure he would be really grateful!
Amorous Quelis squishy- 600,000
Azure Goiba squishy- offer
Egg painting kit- 10,000 each (X12)
Natural Liyure squishy- 7mil?
Blessed flowers- 100k (X5)
Inkies- Black Otachie- 500,000
Coatli- Blonde Mirabilis- 15mil
ChasingPain- Mutant Kayoki- 500,000
Brokenstring- Mutant Draqua- 2mil?
Cancerous- sepia Zenerix- 25mil?
Golji- black Ebilia- 5mil
Mitsubachi- Black Vaspi- looking for around 10mil or offer
I will accept some pets as payment As well as
Random morphing potions
Eggs (CS and seasonal)
But mostly Tu.
I WILL haggle! Just ask :)