The Rescreatian Market ( selling anything and everything you can find in the NPC shops)

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6:54pm Aug 31 2012 (last edited on 10:14am Sep 1 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Hello, and welcome to the Rescreatian Market! Here you can buy anything you can find at NPC shops, and even some seasonal items as well. Below are the rules for buying something.

~Buying Something~

Step 1: Send the tu listed as the price

Step 2: Send me an R-mail saying what you bought and how much you sent me.

Step 3: Wait until I'm on again and I'll send the items.

Post if you'd like to haggle.


The items currently for sale are in my gallery. There are more in my inventory, but I can't stock them until I upgrade my gallery. Items in my gallery are:

100 reasons why we like res(x1): 500tu ea

100k cake(x1): 10k ea

100k recipe card(x1): 100tu ea

A Guide to the Merchant Class(x1): 500k ea

A Guide to the Rancher Class(x1): 25k ea

Alien sword(x3): 75k ea

Amateur Knitted Sweater(x4): 200k ea

Amber Ball of Yarn(x12): 500tu ea

Amber Polo Shirt(x1): 1.5k ea

Amulet of Defense(x1): 100k ea

Amulet of the Northern Star(x1): 100k ea

Ancient Slayer Tales(x1): 75k ea

Black Grinning Surgical Mask(x1): 300k ea

The bird that got away(x1): 1.7mil ea

Mint Chocolate Ebilia Truffle(x1): 2mil

More to come!


10:14am Sep 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163

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