The Super Market

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3:55pm Aug 8 2012 (last edited on 3:56pm Aug 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 930
Welcome to the Super Market. I am Xoid, and I will be in charge of organizing everything that goes on in the Super Market.
There are a great deal of items and pets my owner wishes to sell. 
You see, she is trying to obtain the items necessary for an outfit.
my avatar
This is the outfit she dreams to have.
However she has none of the items for it, as most all of them are in Kir's shop.
The item names are as follows:
Uldavian Antennae
Uldavian Arms
Gearhead Goggles
Mech Wrist Cuffs
Uldavian Gloves
Galta Robes

If you have any of them for sale, please let us know!
We are willing to offer tu, pets, items, or a combination.

In return for my goods, I will accept pets and tu. The only items I will accept are the ones for the outfit, RSTU fr[injection]ames, or credit shop items. Sorry!
If you think you have a super snazzy item that would catch my eye, please do offer it.

Now, onto the contents of this thread.
Post 1: Introduction
Post 2: Pets for sale
Post 3: Items for sale
Post 4: Current Kir's quest


3:56pm Aug 8 2012 (last edited on 6:24pm Aug 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 930
I am Zap, and I will be in charge of the pet sale in this thread.
Here are all the creatu you may choose from. There are more in Supermonky's showroom that are not listed, but those may be harder to get. You can still ask, though!
There are no set prices, but possibly ballpark prices if you ask. You can also just go ahead and offer!

Meiko - Female - Haiyley
Jaaku - Male - Kentol
Myotis - Female - Kolisa
Easero - Male - Lecre
Uilus - Female - Lela
Easero - Male - Rulex
Zenirix - Male - ShimmerSnow
Veram - Female - Varkri

Goiba - Female - Aukala
Roditore - Female - Deelian
Chimby - Female - Goldelocks
Iluvu - Male - Jackster
Uilus - Female - LoveAwaits
Gondra - Male - Memes
Uilus - Male - NotGonnaTakeIt
Easero - Female - Poaky
Iluvu - Female - Ramorsa

Intes - Male - Arklor
Chimby - Female - Calicowoman
Easero - Female - Creke
Meragon - Male - freindly704
Kayoki - Female - Hunnigan
Quelis - Male - Quelus
Zaphao - Male - SaffronDiamond
Berrok - Male - ScreamOutUrName
Vogar - Male - Silverenes
Drindian - Female - TDWP

Unnamed silver easero in graveyard -- you must provide res potion in addition to payment
Berrok - Male - Eool
Kayoki - Male - GreyRainbow
Quelis - Male - Kyota
Easero - Female - Maolam
Zaphao - Male - Pekelo
Ebilia - Male - Remido
Otachie - Female - Shaines
Kayoki - Male - silversoar
Vaspi - Male - Sylveris
Kayoki - Female - Titaniumfeather
Ahea - Male - Uleri

Easero - Male - Almen
Jaaku - Male - Asinis
Kayoki - Male - Chortler
Jaaku - Male - Chril
Uilus - Female - CinnamonSweet
Zaphao - Male - Gradual
Iluvu - Female - Jenai
Kayoki - Female - Load
Jaaku - Male - Reikon
Uilus - Female - Vesuvien

Uilus - Female - disastrus
Vogar - Male - GL
Iluvu - Male - hhhiiii
Easero - Female - Mekeri
Jaaku - Male - Meskor
Uilus - Female - ShadowedSoul
Jaaku - Female - Varilia

There are also plenty of dyed pets in my showroom! Those do not typically sell as well, so I am unwilling to list them out here.

Black Saruka and Black Jahra.
100m each, but I am very willing to haggle! I have not checked prices much.


3:56pm Aug 8 2012 (last edited on 6:32pm Aug 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 930
Hi! I am Everything. I will be selling all the items in the thread.
Mostly dye kits will be sold here, but occasionally other items will be up for sale. Seasonal items will probably be for sale too, exclusively in the thread. 
Here is a link to Supermonky's merchant shop to start off:

Not much is in stock right now, but we are collecting more to sell!

Amber dye kit x0 - 1.6m each
Azure dye kit x0 - 3.4m each
Lemon dye kit x1 - 3.3m each
Lime dye kit x0 - 4m each
Magenta Dye kit x0 - 4.5m each
Orchid dye kit x0 - 2.5m each
Rose dye kit x1 - 6.4m each

Bulk Discounts
Buy two dye kits at once, get 200k off!
Buy three dye kits at once, get 500k off!
Buy four dye kits at once, get 700k off!
If you buy more than five dye kits, you get one million tu off! 


3:56pm Aug 8 2012 (last edited on 6:34pm Aug 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 930
I am Kaixo. I will be keeping track of the current K1R quest Supermonky is on. I like to chat with K1R as he is one of the only other RSTU002s on these planets.

Here is your assignment. I have an order for one of these Creatu: silver Mirabilis

I will give you 100,000 tu and 2 points for your efforts!


8:55pm Aug 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 678
What pets do you accept? :3 I would really love the Jahra or Saruka o_o

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

9:03pm Aug 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 930
I'd prefer mostly pure for those two. x3' But again, albinos, blondes, calicos and RSTUs.
Kir food and RSTUs. o_o!


9:07pm Aug 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 923
How much do you value RSTU's at?


9:12pm Aug 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 930
About 80m or so for both RSTU001s and RSTU002s ^^ Names may or may not increase value.


9:23pm Aug 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 579
How much for the Albino Veram?


9:32pm Aug 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 930
15 million. o:


9:34pm Aug 8 2012 (last edited on 9:35pm Aug 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 923
If only you had a black Aerix for sale.. I'd trade an RSTU002 fr.ame for it.


9:36pm Aug 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 930
Sorry, mine is named Flight and he is my baby. ;[


9:37pm Aug 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 923
Oh, I'd throw in 2 name tags. But okay, luck on selling ^^


2:21am Aug 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 708
Would you trade Memes for a silver Mirabilis?


1:03pm Aug 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 930
Yes I would Blixii! c: Shall I send her over?


1:56am Aug 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 708
You have sent your creatu Kirlunch to Supermonky.


9:38am Aug 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 930

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