Hello ^^
So, then, to make it short...I´m looking for some Swaps to get my Collection complete ^^I can also add a little bit of tu, if wanted.
* = all of these are in my Showroom, if you want to watch genders, names or growth.
~ = Most Wanted
SilversWhat I have...*
Gondra, 2x Otachie, Roditore, Vogar, Zenirix
What I want...Ardur, Murren, Paor, Valabex, Zaphao
BlondesWhat I have...*
Chimby, 2x Drindian
What I want...Ardur, Aukira, Draqua, Gondra, Leverene, Meragon, Mirabilis, Murren, Roditore, Tesuri, Veram, Vogar, Zaphao
CalicosWhat I have...*
Malal, Meiko, Valabex
What I want...Ahea, Draqua, Berrok ~ , Chimby, Leverene, Kayoki, Myotis, Paor, Roditore, Tesuri, Veram, Vogar, Zaphao
AlbinosNone, right now, sorry.
IndigoWhat I have...*
What I want...All, except for Quelis & Ahea
AmberWhat I have...*
What I want...All, except Tesuri, Ardur, Leverene & Berrok
Thanks for any interest ^-^