Trade Or Tu
For Sale I have special, colored, and natural pets.Special:
Mutated Azure Ardur: Ghidoria
Age: 42
Natural Otachie: Akifumi
Age: 677TeenWolf Names
All Of these are naturals
Zenirix: CinnamonWolf
Sirleon: GingerCatFish
Zenirix: Starvet
Vogar: Xereyon
Skaldyr: SummerOreos
Zenirix: Extremesun
Meragon: Fower
Intes: Respawned
Malal: windleap
Draqua: MintFresh
Otachie: Steadiness
Otachie: ArtistByHeart
Otachie: BeautifulBride
Otachie: Playstation3
Gondra: Jayace
Zenirix: Alltel
Zenirix: AngryBirds
Otachie: CranberryPie
Ardur: Dragonscar
Tesuri: ForestPuppy
Zenirix: PowerOfThree
Otachie: WalterEDisney
What I want
I'm going for all the Jahra colors.
I'd happily trade for them for multiple of my pets or even tu.
![Orchid Dye Kit](
tle="This Dye Kit will turn your pet a lovely shade of orchid." border="0/" height="40">
![Lemon Dye Kit](
tle="This Dye Kit will turn your pet a lovely shade of lemon." border="0/" height="40">
![Indigo Dye Kit](
tle="This Dye Kit will turn your pet a lovely shade of indigo." border="0/" height="40">
![Rose Dye Kit](
tle="This Dye Kit will turn your pet a lovely shade of rose." border="0/" height="40">
![Dye Kit Squishy Pack](
tle="Not everyone likes drab, boring, regular Creatu squishies. Spice yours up in every color of the rainbow with this dye kit squishy pack." border="0/" height="40">