Trading a Calico Zaphao! : 3

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7:26pm Jan 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
So yeah. I bought three hatches from Winterlove, who is amazing. ;w;
Two nattie otaches, then BAM.
Calico zaphao.
The funny thing is, I've gotten 3 calicos hatched for me. :u
Narwi, Veram, and now a Zaphao?
No wonder my hatching luck is so bad. ;o

So, I'd like to sell this little guy for tu, or trade him for one of these puppies and a little tu.
Okies. Thanks. <3


10:42pm Jan 23 2013 (last edited on 10:43pm Jan 23 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 399

Aww, there's my name. ;o;

I love you too. <3

Best of luck on your bino zaphie. c; I'm gonna bump this thread up!

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