Twi's Blowout sale! ( selling many pets and items)

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12:56am Sep 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,282
Selling a ton of pets and items! 

I will post highlights of my rancher shop and gallery. As well as items in my inventory and pets on my profile.


12:56am Sep 2 2013 (last edited on 6:02pm Sep 2 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 2,282
  1. Pets!

I will take tu, pets, and items. No need for overpay if offering items and pets. I will haggle on certain pets. Will be updated.

Rancher shop pets;

  1.  Dawrf, mutant nattie chimpy-1.5 mill
  2. Lemon Gondra-7 mill
  3. Tearings, nattie Aukira- 5 mill
  4. BattleHeart, sepia Draqua- 500k
  5. TPA, nattie gondra- 100k
  6. Nameless Pet, nattie Gondra- 5 mill

  7. * check my rancher shop for more pets*

On profile;
JumpRope, Nattie Otachie- 10 mill
Rewarding- nattie drindian- 15 mill
MomentoMori, silver murren-850k
BrownTree,sepia drindian- 60k


12:56am Sep 2 2013 (last edited on 10:44pm Sep 2 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 2,282
I accept tu, pets, and other items as payment. No need for overpay. Willing to haggle on certain items. Will be updated.

Inventory items:
Blonde iluvu gloves- 9.5 mill
Azure easero chick-2.5 mill
Birthday present-1 mill
Orange jaaku cupcake-20k
Reclore goody bag 09- 4.5 mill
Xeeroh goody bag 09- 25 mill
Vawn goody bag 09-45 mill
Glowing red flower-650k
Black rope flower-350k
Magenta stockings-2.5 mill
Small bottle of lemon dye-2.5 mill

     Check my gallery for more items, here are the highlights

                    Gothic eyeshadow- 1.5 mill
                              Gothic kite- 1.5 mill
               Creatu Painted eggs- 500k-2mill each
                       Billybob goody bag 09-5 mill
                              Ulius eggnog dish-1 mill
                           Blonde iluvu gloves- 2 mill
                              Scria goody bag- 6 mill
                      Relcore goody bag 09- 4 mill
                                Ice sickle darts- 125k
                        Kirsti October diary-35 mill


2:13am Sep 2 2013 (last edited on 5:59pm Sep 2 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 2,282
Reminder: I will haggle on certain items/pets. Just ask and I hope we can work it out. For payment, I ask that it contains pure tu or a mix of tu,items, and pets. Both pets/ items posts will be updated.Thanks for stopping by!


1:25pm Sep 2 2013

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Posts: 2,282


2:10pm Sep 2 2013

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Posts: 2,282
Bumpy bump bump


4:53pm Sep 2 2013

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5:51pm Sep 2 2013

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6:50pm Sep 2 2013

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7:00pm Sep 2 2013

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9:50pm Sep 2 2013

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10:45pm Sep 2 2013

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5:34pm Sep 4 2013

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2:03am Sep 5 2013

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5:32pm Sep 5 2013

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5:44pm Sep 6 2013

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1:44pm Sep 7 2013

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10:45pm Sep 8 2013

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