U kno u want a sprkly calico zaphie :OO

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10:12am Apr 13 2014 (last edited on 10:15am Apr 13 2014)


Posts: 2,165
THIS is Ligtningtail. He's supposed to be achro, but he wanted to be calico instead. :/ So because I already have a calico (two actually) I need to sell him.

Originally he was a prize in my art contest but it got very little attention so I gave up. No one wants to draw robots. ;-; At least not for this guy anyway. 

His current price is 40 mil tu. No pets, no items. I'm trying to save for some expensive stuff that will take me ages. So yeah. |D


If you want to haggle, I can do that. Maybe I'll take some other things too. I'm mostly interested in natural colored jelly beans, random morphing potions and trance potions. Though I might consider other stuff, so you can offer things. Especially art. Nice art of robots is what I originally had him for~

I'd rather not haggle any lower than 30 mil. (actually not at all cause I need the tu but... xD)

Okay. I think that's it. :D


10:13am Apr 13 2014


Posts: 2,165
Ad: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/u-kno-u-want-a-sprkly-calico-zaphie-oo/~page/1/#post_2015118] You know you want this zaphao. *eyebrow wiggles* 

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