Unnamed Mutants

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2:37am Jan 31 2014 (last edited on 2:43am Jan 31 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 203
Hello there.
Pardon my lack of posts. Despite being around Res for many, many years, I am never in the forums.

I have two unnamed mutants chilling in my hatch slots. I can't come up with good names for them, so I figured I'd give someone else a shot.
There is a nattie male Aukira and a nattie female Chimby. Screenshot below.
I honestly have no idea how to price these guys. Hoping for at least 1m per, I guess.

It is 3:30am and I need to hit the sack before I get kiddo up at 6:30 for school, so pardon any delay in response.


Edited to shamelessly advertise my Rancher shop. Lots of critters. Some nice RWNs at fair prices. ;3


Will buy or trade from rancher or SALE category of SR.

1:37pm Feb 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 203
Up. They will be named tomorrow if unsold.


Will buy or trade from rancher or SALE category of SR.
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