Oh yah! I have managed to accumulate some vaspi eggs from my hunt and from buying from other people a long time ago. Now, I'm wanting to sell them since I need tu for my albino shaefu goal and I really need it.
I have 1 egg left to sell
So I'm selling these eggs for 3mill each for the first 5eggs and then 2.5mill for the succeeding one. But if you buy 10 or more all eggs will be priced at 2.5mill each. Get it?
So here's an example:
If you buy 4 eggs you will be charged 12mill [that's 4eggs x 3mill]
If you buy 7 eggs you will be charged 20 mill [that's (5eggs x 3mill) + (2eggs x 2.5mill)]
If you buy 11eggs you will be charged 27.5mill [that's 11eggs x 2.5mill]
So yeah, I also have uilus eggs to sell at 5mill a piece so if you want that you can buy it as well. I have 7eggs left to be sold
I also have 3 narwi eggs to sell. ALL for 20mill.