i have heaps of pets that i don't need nor want so here they are and i'm going to get rid of them. these prices are already incredibly undercut, so if you'd like to try and haggle, please don't be annoyed if i say no. you may post here or rmail me regarding any pet(s) you are interested in.
natural colours:
black meragon (Arabeli) 60,000 tu
ginger drindian (Arcae) 200,000 tu
blonde otachie (Asaru)
ginger ahea (Bloodily) 150,000 tu
natural mirabilis (Chibai, Xeiran) 10 tu
sepia tesuri (Dorac) 1,000 tu
black otachie (Elac, Ouie) 50,000 tu
natural ardur (Maderi) 10 tu
cream sirleon (Pharlux) 1,500 tu
ginger otachie (Raught)
black vogar (Rugiet) 500,000 tu
natural murren (Soudamn) 10 tu
sepia veram (Sunries) 10,000 tu
natural colours - seasonal:
natural ebilia (Elijia)
natural jaaku (Kallipie) 300,000 tu
calico jaaku (Deilos)
achromatic easero (Charie)
natural easero (Chorui, Claue, Eurof, Fuerio, Kezoi, Kiaze, Leoku, Liotu, Lyane, Mijur, Miuy, Obitu, Senpori, Soletu, Sorbeu, Temru, Thoui, Voten)
cream easero (Inala, Perioh, Wuruo)
sepia easero (Juar, Quta)
black easero (Niarh)
silver easero (Orain)
natural iluvu (Erou, Phare, Phur)
natural uilus (Fraden, Odense) 100,000 tu
lemon otachie (Beset) 2,500,000 tu
amber otachie (Preener) 2,500,000 tu
indigo skaldyr (Chero) 2,500,000 tu
natural kayoki (Kanana)
lime sirleon (Sarcomine) 2,500,000 tu
natural zaphao (Vuro) 250,000 tu
undead meiko (Ekhias) 1,500,000 tu
dyed colours:
lemon draqua (Bamu) 2,000,000 tu
rose otachie (Sammiah) 3,500,000 tu
dyed colours - seasonal:
amber kurrabi (Actuality) 2,000,000 tu
magenta uilus (Kudrow) 2,000,000 tu
lime ebilia (Macron) PREHISTORIC 7,000,000 tu
magenta easero (Cyma) 2,000,000 tu
Hypocrates 3,000,000 tu or best offer
Management 3,000,000 tu or best offer
Manure 15,000,000 tu
NickGrimshaw 500,000 tu or best offer
Palvin (ginger jaaku) 10,000,000 tu
Shianne 5,000,000 tu
Sumaya 5,000,000 tu