Vol: Perhaps I would take pets. That rose kayoki certainly does catch me fancy. I would maybe trade a noctis for it.
Guiven: Those eggs sure are purty but heard to sell and I tend to keep away from animals bigger than I am. If you add some TU, I will consider, but one narwi egg will not suffice.
NeNe- Thats one lucky kayoki you have there, number one. Woot! And no, I'm not looking for all pure, but that will be loved. Quelis are not my cup of tea either. Sorry, I'm a bit picky. Although, maybe the cream. Wish has sold all her quelis eggs so I'm not sure that she would say about it. It's going to be a no thank you.
Creative- I'll check it as soon as I can.
Grave- Great! I'll pull her out and once I receive the TU, I'll send her over straight away! Let me take her off the list...