Xespa Charmed Belt

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12:09am Jan 6 2015

Normal User

Posts: 513
Just so happens I got a hold of it.
Please rmail offers. 
thank you ^.^ 

1:43am Jan 6 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
oh so YOUUU got it ;CCCC

no uhm
idk what to offer pfft

Is there anything you won't take as payment?


8:45am Jan 6 2015

Normal User

Posts: 513
Yeah I did. Lol  I am a feeble person. Payment - Tu. NCJB. RMP. Nametags. Urns. Seasonal eggs. Narwis. Uilus. Pets I like. any albinos. 
any combination of that. 
I really like your HA btw. <3

5:40pm Jan 6 2015 (last edited on 6:41pm Jan 6 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
bloops okay
Do you value names at all?
Because I have 2 albinos I'd be willing to part with- Undead Sirleon named Florence and a Kayoki named Shenae.

I also have 2 Uilus; Black (Krisco) and Ginger (Hyera). Both are frostlit ;v;

Narwis, I have a Black (Narlia) and a frostlit Cream (Molassis)

The only Seasonal eggs I have are Jaaku- I have 15 of those.

As for tu, it's up to you how much you'd like added to the above.

and thank you eeep~ *u*


12:01am Jan 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 513
Alright I will happily take your binos. I call that a value of 100m bc I value them each at 50m. ( I appreciate them)
as for the uilus and narwis. I'm not overly interested in them. and I have like 60 jaaku eggs left so not entirely interested in those either.
And yes I do value the name florence. And If you have any other names to add onto that, I will listen. But Just as this I'm going to try to get 200m out of it. (I feel like  bad person for asking for so much) (but there's only 20 so) 
So you are still lacking 100ms worth. But let's see if you can make that up in names. or if you'd just rather pay in tu

12:14am Jan 7 2015 (last edited on 12:15am Jan 7 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
I also have the names Wet (Cyid, paid 200mil for it), Amigos ( Silver Narwi), Jaedan, Gothical, Misread uhmmm
It depends if you're interested. Wet would be a last resort type thing but idk lol

I will let you know if I find any more names


12:15am Jan 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 513
How much do you value amigos at?

12:26am Jan 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Following on from SB discussion

You value the albinos @ 50mil each yes? You wanted 200mil, 100mil is covered, but I didn't see your personal value on Florence? ;o; Unless I'm mistaking some of these values you've given me ;o;


12:29am Jan 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 513
No I know it's just I put the name florence in with the value of the bino. like I know a bino Sireleon is like... 35m..? maybe?. and same with kayoki. so thats 70m so I guess I value it at 30m or so.

so it was all kind of mashed together... if that makes any sense T.T

12:34am Jan 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
oh i seee :o
okey dokey right
Bc I valued florence a bit more ;o; like 20mil more if that was okay? ;o;

So then I'd still owe you 45mil yeah?


12:34am Jan 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 513
Sure xD. Let's finish this <3 sending/

12:37am Jan 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
awesome! 8D
Will send stuff *u*

So Florence, Shenae, Amigos + 45mil tu okay yes? yes 

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