10:17pm Apr 26 2013 (last edited on 8:23pm Aug 9 2013)
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Posts: 708
Ack this is kind of v 2.5 now but no one cares about that. Also I won't blind you with bright colours so you'll be alright. What you're here for, of course, is profile, showroom, petpage or gallery/merchant/rancher coding commissions! I'll try not to keep this too long, so I'll just move on to the costs - -
Basic Profile - 2mil + (whatever you think it's worth as long as it's above 2mil)
Completely Custom Profile (explanation in next post) - 5mil + (depends on complexity)
Showrooms, Petpages, Gallery/Merchant/Rancher - 1-3mil
A basic profile is pretty much what it says, a profile with basic features such as a background, coloured links and text, and scroll boxes if needed. These probably only take 30 minutes for me to code, and as long as it's not overly complicated, it won't cost as much.
A Completely Custom Profile is something that I'm trialling for now, I might not continue doing them in the future if some issue arises. They're what my profile is most of the time, a profile without the pet info and account info + links. It's a blank canvas really, so you can order whateeeever you wish, as long as it's within my coding capabilities of course. As these look prettier than basic profiles and take more time and effort to code they do cost a tad more.
Showrooms, Petpages, Galleries, Merchants and Ranchers are still a platform I'm starting to work on, so I don't know how to manipulate everything as of yet. These don't take an incredibly long time to make so I figured 1-3mil would be a good price for them.
The waiting list no longer exists, just expect a 2-3 day wait for me to rmail you with the code.
Continue on to the next two posts for forms, resources and Owly's Dictionary of Coding.
10:18pm Apr 26 2013 (last edited on 8:39pm Jul 26 2013)
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Posts: 708
And here are the forms; if you've never heard of this coding talk before then scroll down a bit further for Owly's Dictionary of Coding.BASIC PROFILESBackground image or color [ hex code please ] - Content position -Content opacity -~ Hover over? [ Y/N ] -Content background color [ Y/N + hex code ] -Text color [ hex code please ] -Link color [ hex code please ] - ~ Hover over? -Header text color [ hex code please ] -Scrolly box [ Y/N ] -Menu [ Y/N ] -Shoutbox [ Y/N ] -Music [ Y/N ] -Any Profile Modules? [ Y/N ] -COMPLETELY CUSTOM PROFILES... do not have a form because they're completely custom and as I said before, just a blank canvas waiting to be painted. Rmail me if interested and we'll sort through the details there.GALLERIES, RANCHERS, MERCHANTS AND SHOWROOMSBackground image or color [ hex code please ] - Content position -Content opacity -Content background color [ Y/N + hex code ] -Text color [ hex code please ] -Link color [ hex code please ] - ~ Hover over? -Shoutbox [ Y/N ] -Menu [ Y/N ] - PETPAGESBackground image or color [ hex code please ] - Content position -Content opacity -Content background color [ Y/N + hex code ] - Text color [ hex code please ] -Link color [ hex code please ] -Menu [ Y/N ] -Keep scrolling down for Owly's Dictionary of Coding and some resources.
10:18pm Apr 26 2013 (last edited on 9:31pm Jul 26 2013)
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Posts: 708
OWLY'S DICTIONARY OF CODINGwait dictionaries are meant to be in alphabetical order oops
Background - The image or colour that fills the screen's background. This image can be seamless, which means it tiles perfectly, or it can be a wallpaper set to a resolution to fill the page without repeating, or a fixed image, which I'd recommend using when you want to use art for the background image.
Background position [ FOR FIXED IMAGES ONLY ] - If you're using a small fixed image, do you want it placed in - ~ top left ~ top center ~ top right ~ center left ~ center ~ center right ~ bottom left ~ bottom center ~ bottom right
Content Position - The content is the box with the pet information and user information, and other profile modules. When I say 'content position', I mean where do you want that to be placed - just say left, center or right.
Hex Code - hm, examples are like #000 or #FFF, used to define the colour of something in CSS. Sites where you can obtain them are listed down beloooow. When ordering, please say the hex value, not the name of the colour.
UNFINISHED RESOURCES Background images - tle="" href="http://patterns.ava7.com/">ava7ava7 - http://patterns.ava7.com/ squidfingers - http://www.squidfingers.com/patterns/ vintagebackgrounds - http://vintagebackgrounds.tumblr.com/ #seamless patterns on tumblr - http://tumblr.com/tagged/seamless+patterns subtle patterns - http://subtlepatterns.com/ tle="" href="http://www.squidfingers.com/patterns/">squidfingers tle="" href="http://vintagebackgrounds.tumblr.com/">vintagebackground tle="" href="http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/seamless+patterns">#seamless patterns on tumblr tle="" href="http://subtlepatterns.com/">subtlepatte tle="" href="https://www.google.com.au/#gs_rn=22&gs_ri=psy-ab&tok=C8L7K6Q7mnbmlSUwVMaPtw&pq=seamless%20pattern&cp=17&gs_id=1nu&xhr=t&q=seamless+patterns&es_nrs=true&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=seamless+patterns&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49784469,d.dGI&fp=2814feedeb90ca9b&biw=1525&bih=741">google sHex code lists - tle="" href="http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html">color schemecolor schemer - http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html degraeve's color palette generator - http://www.degraeve.com/color-palette/ colourlovers - http://colourlovers.com/ tle="" href="http://www.december.com/html/spec/colorhex.html">december's hexadecimal color codes tle="" href="http://www.degraeve.com/color-palette/">degraeve's color palette generator tle="" href="http://www.colourlovers.com/">colourlover
Fonts - tle="" href="http://cssfontstack.com/">css font stackcss font stack - http://cssfontstack.com/ google fonts - http://www.google.com/fonts/ tle="" href="http://www.google.com/fonts/">google fonts - NOTE; when using google fonts, only choose one
8:00pm Apr 27 2013
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Posts: 399
Just subscribing. ^^ Will post soon with details on a profile commish!
5:30am May 1 2013 (last edited on 6:37am May 4 2013)
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Posts: 708
6:20am May 1 2013
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Posts: 1,673
Wait! Do you do profiles?
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
2:10am May 2 2013
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Posts: 708
..yes. o_o
11:58pm May 3 2013
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Posts: 936
8:09pm May 4 2013
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2:16am May 5 2013 (last edited on 2:48am May 16 2013)
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Posts: 708
2:30am May 5 2013 (last edited on 2:56pm May 5 2013)
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Posts: 936
I'll take it :D But if I do, can I still commission you for another one?
8:00am May 5 2013
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Posts: 1,645
I really reallly want a profile from you omg but I have like no idea how to order one (what do half of the stuff on the order from even mean omg)
meanwhile while I figure this out I'll just sub for now and stare at your amazing profiles
2:40pm May 5 2013 (last edited on 6:39pm May 14 2013)
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Posts: 936
~Guess I can Edit this post since my guide is up top :D~
2:49pm May 5 2013 (last edited on 3:01pm May 6 2013)
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Posts: 936
~EXAMPLE~ • Background image URL: tle="Merlotichie!" target="_blank">ja va:nicTemp(); • Background image type: In the Corner, all alone! D: • Content position - - • Content opacity: 0.0 • Hover effect: YUS PLEASE • Heading text color: All Neon Green! 8D • Font: Chiller • Font colour: Neon Purple • Li.nk hover effect: Change color to Neon Green • Menu: Yes • Menu type: Font • Shoutbox: No I hate talking to you people! >: • Textboxes: Yes, so I can brag! >:D • Three, two on the left and one big one on the right.
• Other Merlin is awesome and deserves hugs :p • Payment: 4mil (Example payment)
Something like that ^
3:01pm May 5 2013 (last edited on 3:11pm May 5 2013)
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Posts: 1,645
OMG 1million thanks to Merlin she explained everything so nicely jaskld ;u; now I'm techie enough to order one sajdcl
• Background image URL - http://imageshack.us/a/img90/6690/prometheusstars.jpg - • Background image type wall paper please~ • Content position - pets in the center, could you some how put all my information links (like SR, Gallery, DA link, Merch shop and RS in a box or something?) and I would like to keep the awards thing, and the All pets thing (you don't have to include the HA,collections respals and trophies ouo)
• Content opacity- could you have the pets be opaque and the other boxed information be not? ouo (the translucent stuff be like .6 or something? idk sjkdl)
• Hover effect - yes please ouo for the text boxes, all the art and banner boxes should be totally opaque
• Heading text color - Can all text be this blue? (and bolder or something? idk)
• Font - font-family: Baskerville, "Baskerville Old Face"
• Font colour - This blue?
• Li.nk hover effect - italicize
• Menu - - oh yes please
• Menu type - Image please! (just like the cloud example!)
• Shoutbox - No please!
• Textboxes - one on the side for text (this one is translucent), and 1 for the pixel art and the other for the banners? (with the other 2 could you not have scrolly thingies and just boxes and not translucent?)
• Other - Erm erm could you please keep what Twiggy coded for the Menu bar thing for me? I quite like it xD and the little yellow birdy stays in the same spot, could you please keep that?
And I rather like the cloud example could you sorta model it after that? xD except for my creatu to be more opaque? • Payment - 5mil? (I can add more if you like?)
3:42pm May 5 2013
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Posts: 1,367
Hi there. Could I please buy the pre-made flowers profile? c:
7:14pm May 5 2013 (last edited on 12:35am May 7 2013)
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Posts: 399
EDITED WITH A NEW DETAIL...I'll rmail you as well just in case. ^^
• Background image URL - - http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/253/7/5/winterlove_profile_bg_by_luv2eattacos-d49go7l.png
• Background image type [ tiling image, wallpaper or to one corner? ] - - Wallpaper
• Content position - - Centered (like the examples given) • Content opacity [ 0 - 0.9 ] - - 0.9 (Solid)
• Hover effect [ when you mouse over the content it becomes visible ] - - N
• Heading text color [ eg. xxxx's account, selected - xxxx ] - - I'm not too picky on colors for this one...I was just hoping you could find a good enough color to match the background.
• Font [ only choose one, please! ] - - Optima • Font colour [ only choose one! ] - - #7292AD
• Li.nk hover effect [ change colour, strikethrough, italicize, uppercase etc. ] - - Uppercase
• Menu - - Y
• Menu type [ image buttons or font button ~ example of image button/tidal wave | example of font button/alligator sky ] - - Image button
• Shoutbox - - N
• Textboxes - - Y • [ if YES ] Where + how many - - I was wondering if I could get something to the layout of the Plant Life based layout where the account details are on the left side and the text centered on the right side. So just one text box.
• Other - - http://i864.photobucket.com/albums/ab207/luv2eatTacos/winterlovetext.png
I was hoping I could get this image above the main text box, just like how the text is shown in the Tidal Wave and Alligator Sky. It's like a mix of all of your examples. xD I'm just trying to get my profile a little more snazzy from my previous profile.
Oh! And another thing I was trying to find on my previous profile. I would really love it if you could incorporate this image into my profile: http://i864.photobucket.com/albums/ab207/luv2eatTacos/snowflakestop.png
You can check out my current profile to see what I'm talking about. c;
If you don't get what I mean by any of my deions, please do rmail me. xD I know I can be very confusing with my syntax.
• Payment - - 6m, okay? c; We can discuss the payment afterwards if need be!
4:01am May 6 2013
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Posts: 708
Oh wow people posted @merlin - - uaah thanks for that guide haha. Mind if I post it on the first post as a guide to other people who might not know how to order as well? ; w ; that's super helpful! Um, with you buying the Premade profile and the custom one, where are you going to use the premade/custom coding?@cherry - - that looks alright so far, I'll rmail you if I have any problems c:@Manga - - I'm not too sure if Merlin will still get the profile or not but if they do, I'm afraid you've just missed out, sorry! I'll only be selling one of each premade so they'll be kind of special as well but I'll be releasing more as soon as I've finished with the commissions. :>@Winter - - yours looks fine too, I'll rmail you if I encounter any problems.SO.Slots are full for now, and a reminder that only one of each premade will be sold!
5:06am May 6 2013
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Posts: 1,367
Ah, sorry, didn't see Merlin's post. :/
9:50am May 6 2013
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Posts: 1,645
ah thank you ;w; uhuh you are really amazing <33 and and
your icons are adorable <33