This Skree has a Rose Quartz embedded within.
It's currently debated on whether or not Skree mutations occur more often in males or females. This is entirely because researchers have no way to determine the gender of a Skree.
This Skree has a Smokey Quartz embedded within.
Skree also get along well with domesticated Aboveground birds. They seem particularly fond of chickens and pigeons and only mildly tolerant of peafowl and ostriches.
This Emetti has an Onyx embedded within.
Emetti are the opposite of Goovar. While they do have eyes at birth, their gem will quickly grow to cover half of their face. Their prehensile ears have evolved to compensate for both the lack of a primary sense and their tiny little arms.
Please be sure to send payment for the egg -- I refunded it yesterday since I wasn't sure you'd be on in time to get one from this batch.
This Lastus has a Rutilated Quartz embedded within.
Lastus are dream weavers and dream eaters. Their solitary life means they're rarely seen, even by those who own them. Recently it has come to light that they're able to drift in and our of the subconscious realm, feasting on nightmares.
This Ekrit has a Prasiolite embedded within.
Ekrit have recently evolved to lose the spike on their wrists and gain a fourth horn on their face. It doesn't offer much extra protection, but it does look cool.
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