FAQ: What are Quickspirits?
Answer: Quickspirits are half dragon and half dolphin.
FAQ: Why dragons and dolphins?
Answer: I picked them.
FAQ: How do I adopt one?
Answer: Fill out the form below and either rmail yummycake6 the form or post it on the thread. When I approve your form, your order will either go on the order list or the waiting list.
FAQ: What happens when you finish my order and how do I get it?
Answer: I will rmail you when the order is finished and I will post the finished order below on the finished order list.
FAQ: How much do I pay you?
Answer: In anyway you want. You pick the price. I'm just doing some for practice and I will LOVE doing real orders. When I'm done pay me whatever you want from 1 TU to infinity and beyond.
Fill out this form for the Quickspirit:
Username of adopter:
Gender of Adopter:
Favorite Color(s) of Adopter:
Gender of Quickspirit:
Favorite Color of Quickspirit:
Favorite Season:
Fire or Water or Earth or Air:
Favorite Animal:
In one word (or at most a sentence) describe yourself:
In one word (or at most a sentence) describe your Quickspirit: